elementary Directory Reference


file  elementary_config.h
 Definition of special values for user configuration.
file  Elementary_Cursor.h
 Defines the various cursor types for the X Windows system.
file  elm_code.h
 These routines are used for loading Elm Code widgets.
file  elm_code_common.h
 Common data structures and constants.
file  elm_code_diff_widget.h
 These routines are used for rendering diff instances of Elm Code.
file  elm_code_file.h
 These routines are used for interacting with files using Elm Code.
file  elm_code_indent.h
 These routines are used for calculating text indentation of lines in Elm Code.
file  elm_code_line.h
 These routines are used for interacting with lines of content using Elm Code.
file  elm_code_parse.h
 These routines are used for handling the parsing of Elm Code content.
file  elm_code_syntax.h
 These routines are used for handling the parsing of Elm Code content.
file  elm_code_text.h
 These routines are used for interacting with the textual content of files/lines in Elm Code.