Ecore_Con - Connection functions

The Ecore Connection Library ( Ecore_Con ) provides simple mechanisms for communications between programs using reliable sockets. More...


 Ecore Connection Events Functions
 The Ecore Con events can be categorized into Server side events and Client side events.
 Ecore Connection Buffering
 As Ecore_Con works on an event driven design, as data arrives, events will be produced containing the data that arrived.
 Ecore Connection Library Functions
 Utility functions that set up and shut down the Ecore Connection library.
 Ecore Connection SSL Functions
 Functions that operate on Ecore connection objects pertaining to SSL.
 Ecore Connection SOCKS functions
 Ecore Connection Server Functions
 This group of functions is applied to an Ecore_Con_Server object.
 Ecore Connection Client Functions
 Functions to communicate with and/or set options on a client.
 Ecore URL Connection Functions
 Utility functions that set up, use and shut down the Ecore URL Connection library.
 Eet connection functions
 The Ecore Connection Eet library (Ecore_Con_Eet) adds Eet data serialization features to Ecore Connection objects.

Detailed Description

The Ecore Connection Library ( Ecore_Con ) provides simple mechanisms for communications between programs using reliable sockets.

It saves the programmer from having to worry about file descriptors and waiting for incoming connections.

There are two main objects in the Ecore_Con library: the Ecore_Con_Server and the Ecore_Con_Client.

The Ecore_Con_Server represents a server that can be connected to. It is used regardless of whether the program is acting as a server or client itself.

To create a listening server call ecore_con_server_add(), optionally using an ECORE_CON_USE_* encryption type OR'ed with the type for encryption.

To connect to a server, call ecore_con_server_connect(). Data can then be sent to the server using the ecore_con_server_send().

Functions are described in the following groupings:

Events are described in Ecore Connection Events Functions.