

Widget description

An inwin is a window inside a window that is useful for a quick popup. It does not hover.

It works by creating an object that will occupy the entire window, so it must be created using an Window as parent only. The inwin object can be hidden or restacked below every other object if it’s needed to show what’s behind it without destroying it. If this is done, the activate() function can be used to bring it back to full visibility again.

Available styles

  • default The inwin is sized to take over most of the window it’s placed in.
  • minimal The size of the inwin will be the minimum necessary to show its contents.
  • minimal_vertical Horizontally, the inwin takes as much space as possible, but it’s sized vertically the most it needs to fit its contents.

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of InnerWindow

class efl.elementary.InnerWindow(Object parent, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: efl.elementary.__init__.LayoutClass

  • parent (efl.evas.Object) – The parent object
  • **kwargs – All the remaining keyword arguments are interpreted as properties of the instance

Activates an inwin object, ensuring its visibility

This function will make sure that the inwin is completely visible by calling show() and raise_() on it, to bring it to the front. It also sets the keyboard focus to it, which will be passed onto its content.

The object’s theme will also receive the signal “elm,action,show” with source “elm”.


The content of an inwin object.

Once the content object is set, a previously set one will be deleted.
