

Widget description

This widget holds two content efl.evas.Object: one on the front and one on the back. It allows you to flip from front to back and vice-versa using various animations.

If either the front or back contents are not set the flip will treat that as transparent. So if you were to set the front content but not the back, and then call Flip.go() you would see whatever is below the flip.

For a list of supported animations see Flip.go().

Emitted signals

  • animate,begin - when a flip animation was started
  • animate,done - when a flip animation is finished

Layout content parts

  • front - A front content of the flip
  • back - A back content of the flip


Flip directions


Allows interaction with the top of the widget.


Allows interaction with the bottom of the widget.


Allows interaction with the left portion of

the widget.


Allows interaction with the right portion of

the widget.

Flip interaction modes


No interaction is allowed


Interaction will cause rotate animation


Interaction will cause cube animation


Interaction will cause page animation

Flip types


Rotate the currently visible content around a vertical axis in the middle of its width, the other content is shown as the other side of the flip.


Rotate the currently visible content around a horizontal axis in the middle of its height, the other content is shown as the other side of the flip.


Rotate the currently visible content around a diagonal axis in the middle of its width, the other content is shown as the other side of the flip.


Rotate the currently visible content around a diagonal axis in the middle of its height, the other content is shown as the other side of the flip.


Rotate the currently visible content to the left as if the flip was a cube, the other content is show as the right face of the cube.


Rotate the currently visible content to the right as if the flip was a cube, the other content is show as the left face of the cube.


Rotate the currently visible content up as if the flip was a cube, the other content is show as the bottom face of the cube.


Rotate the currently visible content down as if the flip was a cube, the other content is show as the upper face of the cube.


Move the currently visible content to the left as if the flip was a book, the other content is shown as the page below that.


Move the currently visible content to the right as if the flip was a book, the other content is shown as the page below that.


Move the currently visible content up as if the flip was a book, the other content is shown as the page below that.


Move the currently visible content down as if the flip was a book, the other content is shown as the page below that.

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of Flip

class efl.elementary.Flip(Object parent, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: efl.elementary.__init__.Object

  • parent (efl.evas.Object) – The parent object
  • **kwargs – All the remaining keyword arguments are interpreted as properties of the instance
callback_animate_begin_add(func, *args, **kwargs)

When a flip animation was started.

callback_animate_done_add(func, *args, **kwargs)

When a flip animation is finished.

flip_go_to(front, flip_mode)

Runs the flip animation to front or back.

  • front (bool) – if True, makes front visible, otherwise makes back.
  • flip_mode (Flip types) – The mode type

Flips the front and back contents using the flip_mode animation. This effectively hides the currently visible content and shows the hidden one.

New in version 1.8.


Front visibility state


Runs the flip animation

Flips the front and back contents using the flip_mode animation. This effectively hides the currently visible content and shows the hidden one.

Parameters:flip_mode (Flip types) – The mode type

The interactive flip mode

Whether the flip should be interactive (allow user to click and drag a side of the flip to reveal the back page and cause it to flip). By default a flip is not interactive. You may also need to set which sides of the flip are “active” for flipping and how much space they use (a minimum of a finger size) with interaction_direction_enabled_set() and interaction_direction_hitsize_set()


ELM_FLIP_INTERACTION_ROTATE won’t cause ELM_FLIP_ROTATE_XZ_CENTER_AXIS or ELM_FLIP_ROTATE_YZ_CENTER_AXIS to happen, those can only be achieved with go()

Type:Flip interaction modes

Get the enabled state of that flip direction

Gets the enabled state set by interaction_direction_enabled_set()

See also


Parameters:dir (Flip directions) – The direction to check
Returns:If that direction is enabled or not
Return type:bool
interaction_direction_enabled_set(direction, enable)

Set which directions of the flip respond to interactive flip

By default all directions are disabled, so you may want to enable the desired directions for flipping if you need interactive flipping. You must call this function once for each direction that should be enabled.

See also


  • direction (Flip directions) – The direction to change
  • enabled (bool) – If that direction is enabled or not

Get the amount of the flip that is sensitive to interactive flip

Returns the amount of sensitive area set by interaction_direction_hitsize_set().

Parameters:dir (Flip directions) – The direction to check
Returns:The size set for that direction
Return type:double
interaction_direction_hitsize_set(direction, hitsize)

Set the amount of the flip that is sensitive to interactive flip

Set the amount of the flip that is sensitive to interactive flip, with 0 representing no area in the flip and 1 representing the entire flip. There is however a consideration to be made in that the area will never be smaller than the finger size set(as set in your Elementary configuration).

See also


  • dir (Flip directions) – The direction to modify
  • hitsize (float) – The amount of that dimension (0.0 to 1.0) to use

Set flip perspective


This function currently does nothing.

Type:tuple of Evas_Coords (int)
perspective_set(foc, x, y)