Separator example

In this example we are going to pack two rectangles in a box, and have a separator in the middle.

So we start we the window, background, box and rectangle creation, all pretty normal stuff:

//Compile with:
//gcc -g separator_example_01.c -o separator_example_01 `pkg-config --cflags --libs elementary`
#include <Elementary.h>
elm_main(int argc EINA_UNUSED, char **argv EINA_UNUSED)
Evas_Object *win, *bx, *rect, *separator;
win = elm_win_util_standard_add("separator", "Separator");
bx = elm_box_add(win);
evas_object_color_set(rect, 0, 255, 0, 255);
elm_box_pack_end(bx, rect);

Once we have our first rectangle in the box we create and add our separator:

separator = elm_separator_add(win);
elm_separator_horizontal_set(separator, EINA_TRUE);
elm_box_pack_end(bx, separator);
Since our box is in horizontal mode it's a good idea to set the separator to be horizontal too.

And now we add our second rectangle and run the main loop:

This example will look like this:
