Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
Embryo.h File Reference

Embryo virtual machine library. More...

Data Structures

struct  _Embryo_Version
union  Embryo_Float_Cell


#define EAPI
#define EMBRYO_CELL_NONE   0x7fffffff
 An invalid cell reference.
#define EMBRYO_FUNCTION_NONE   0x7fffffff /* An invalid/non existent function */
 An invalid/non-existent function.
#define EMBRYO_FUNCTION_MAIN   -1 /* Start at program entry point */
 Start at program entry point. More...
#define EMBRYO_FUNCTION_CONT   -2 /* Continue from last address */
 Continue from last address. More...
#define EMBRYO_FLOAT_TO_CELL(f)   ((Embryo_Float_Cell) f).c
 Float to Embryo_Cell.
#define EMBRYO_CELL_TO_FLOAT(c)   ((Embryo_Float_Cell) c).f
 Embryo_Cell to float.
#define EAPI


typedef struct _Embryo_Version Embryo_Version
 Represents the current version of Embryo.
typedef enum _Embryo_Error Embryo_Error
typedef enum _Embryo_Status Embryo_Status
typedef unsigned int Embryo_UCell
typedef int Embryo_Cell
typedef struct _Embryo_Program Embryo_Program
typedef int Embryo_Function


enum  _Embryo_Error {
enum  _Embryo_Status {


EAPI int embryo_init (void)
 Initialises the Embryo library. More...
EAPI int embryo_shutdown (void)
 Shuts down the Embryo library. More...
EAPI Embryo_Program * embryo_program_new (void *data, int size)
 Creates a new Embryo program, with bytecode data that can be freed. More...
EAPI Embryo_Program * embryo_program_const_new (void *data, int size)
 Creates a new Embryo program, with bytecode data that cannot be freed. More...
EAPI Embryo_Program * embryo_program_load (const char *file)
 Creates a new Embryo program based on the bytecode data stored in the given file. More...
EAPI void embryo_program_free (Embryo_Program *ep)
 Frees the given Embryo program. More...
EAPI void embryo_program_native_call_add (Embryo_Program *ep, const char *name, Embryo_Cell(*func)(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params))
 Adds a native program call to the given Embryo program. More...
EAPI void embryo_program_vm_reset (Embryo_Program *ep)
 Resets the current virtual machine session of the given program. More...
EAPI void embryo_program_vm_push (Embryo_Program *ep)
 Starts a new virtual machine session for the given program. More...
EAPI void embryo_program_vm_pop (Embryo_Program *ep)
 Frees the current virtual machine session associated with the given program. More...
EAPI void embryo_swap_16 (unsigned short *v)
 Ensures that the given unsigned short integer is in the small endian format. More...
EAPI void embryo_swap_32 (unsigned int *v)
 Ensures that the given unsigned integer is in the small endian format. More...
EAPI Embryo_Function embryo_program_function_find (Embryo_Program *ep, const char *name)
 Returns the function in the given program with the given name. More...
EAPI Embryo_Cell embryo_program_variable_find (Embryo_Program *ep, const char *name)
 Retrieves the location of the public variable in the given program with the given name. More...
EAPI int embryo_program_variable_count_get (Embryo_Program *ep)
 Retrieves the number of public variables in the given program. More...
EAPI Embryo_Cell embryo_program_variable_get (Embryo_Program *ep, int num)
 Retrieves the location of the public variable in the given program with the given identifier. More...
EAPI void embryo_program_error_set (Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Error error)
 Sets the error code for the given program to the given code. More...
EAPI Embryo_Error embryo_program_error_get (Embryo_Program *ep)
 Retrieves the current error code for the given program. More...
EAPI void embryo_program_data_set (Embryo_Program *ep, void *data)
 Sets the data associated to the given program. More...
EAPI void * embryo_program_data_get (Embryo_Program *ep)
 Retrieves the data associated to the given program. More...
EAPI const char * embryo_error_string_get (Embryo_Error error)
 Retrieves a string describing the given error code. More...
EAPI int embryo_data_string_length_get (Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *str_cell)
 Retrieves the length of the string starting at the given cell. More...
EAPI void embryo_data_string_get (Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *str_cell, char *dst)
 Copies the string starting at the given cell to the given buffer. More...
EAPI void embryo_data_string_set (Embryo_Program *ep, const char *src, Embryo_Cell *str_cell)
 Copies string in the given buffer into the virtual machine memory starting at the given cell. More...
EAPI Embryo_Cell * embryo_data_address_get (Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell addr)
 Retreives a pointer to the address in the virtual machine given by the given cell. More...
EAPI Embryo_Cell embryo_data_heap_push (Embryo_Program *ep, int cells)
 Increases the size of the heap of the given virtual machine by the given number of Embryo_Cells. More...
EAPI void embryo_data_heap_pop (Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell down_to)
 Decreases the size of the heap of the given virtual machine down to the given size. More...
EAPI int embryo_program_recursion_get (Embryo_Program *ep)
 Returns the number of virtual machines are running for the given program. More...
EAPI Embryo_Status embryo_program_run (Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Function func)
 Runs the given function of the given Embryo program in the current virtual machine. More...
EAPI Embryo_Cell embryo_program_return_value_get (Embryo_Program *ep)
 Retreives the return value of the last called function of the given program. More...
EAPI void embryo_program_max_cycle_run_set (Embryo_Program *ep, int max)
 Sets the maximum number of abstract machine cycles any given program run can execute before being put to sleep and returning. More...
EAPI int embryo_program_max_cycle_run_get (Embryo_Program *ep)
 Retreives the maximum number of abstract machine cycles a program is allowed to run. More...
EAPI int embryo_parameter_cell_push (Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell cell)
 Pushes an Embryo_Cell onto the function stack to use as a parameter for the next function that is called in the given program. More...
EAPI int embryo_parameter_string_push (Embryo_Program *ep, const char *str)
 Pushes a string onto the function stack to use as a parameter for the next function that is called in the given program. More...
EAPI int embryo_parameter_cell_array_push (Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *cells, int num)
 Pushes an array of Embryo_Cells onto the function stack to be used as parameters for the next function that is called in the given program. More...


EAPI Embryo_Versionembryo_version

Detailed Description

Embryo virtual machine library.

This file includes the routines needed for Embryo library interaction. This is the only file you need to include.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define EMBRYO_FUNCTION_MAIN   -1 /* Start at program entry point */

Start at program entry point.

For use with embryo_program_run.


#define EMBRYO_FUNCTION_CONT   -2 /* Continue from last address */

Continue from last address.

For use with embryo_program_run.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ _Embryo_Error


Forced exit.


Assertion failed.


Stack/heap collision.


Index out of bounds.


Invalid memory access.


Invalid instruction.


Stack underflow.


Heap underflow.


No callback, or invalid callback.


Native function failed.


Divide by zero.


Go into sleepmode - code can be restarted.


Out of memory.


Invalid file format.


File is for a newer version of the Embryo_Program.


Function not found.


Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)


Debugger cannot run.


Embryo_Program not initialized (or doubly initialized)


Unable to set user data field (table full)


Cannot initialize the JIT.


Parameter error.