Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
Eeze_Net.h File Reference

Network manipulation. More...


typedef struct Eeze_Net Eeze_Net


enum  Eeze_Net_Addr_Type {


Eeze_Net * eeze_net_new (const char *name)
 Create a new net object. More...
void eeze_net_free (Eeze_Net *net)
 Free a net object. More...
const char * eeze_net_mac_get (Eeze_Net *net)
 Get the MAC address of a net object. More...
int eeze_net_idx_get (Eeze_Net *net)
 Get the index of a net object. More...
Eina_Bool eeze_net_scan (Eeze_Net *net)
 Scan an interface to cache its network addresses. More...
const char * eeze_net_addr_get (Eeze_Net *net, Eeze_Net_Addr_Type type)
 Get the address of a net object. More...
const char * eeze_net_attribute_get (Eeze_Net *net, const char *attr)
 Get a system attribute of a net object. More...
const char * eeze_net_syspath_get (Eeze_Net *net)
 Get the /sys/ path of a net object. More...
Eina_Listeeze_net_list (void)
 Get a list of all the network interfaces available. More...

Detailed Description

Network manipulation.

Eeze net functions allow you to gather information about network objects