

Ewl_Embed: A Container for Displaying on an canvas

Detailed Description

Defines the Ewl_Embed class to provide EWL with the ability to work with a canvas.

Inherits from Ewl_Cell.


The embed allows for overriding the engine used for rendering and display so that an application can have multiple target engines. This is most commonly used through the window layer as the embed itself does not create windows in the display system. The reason it is not implemented at the window level is that the embed will need the correct engine information in order to interact with menus, tooltips and similar widgets.

 Ewl_Widget *window;
 window = ewl_window_new();
 ewl_embed_engine_name_set(EWL_EMBED(window), "evas_buffer");

The code above demonstrates how to setup an embed to render to an ARGB data buffer. When the window is realized it will create a data buffer and store that as the window information on the embed.

Data Structures

struct  Ewl_Embed
 Inherits from Ewl_Cell that acts as a top level widget for interacting with the canvas. More...


#define EWL_EMBED(widget)   ((Ewl_Embed *) widget)
 Typecast a pointer to an Ewl_Embed pointer.
#define EWL_EMBED_IS(w)   (ewl_widget_type_is(EWL_WIDGET(w), EWL_EMBED_TYPE))
#define EWL_EMBED_TYPE   "embed"
#define EWL_EMBED_WINDOW(window)   ((Ewl_Embed_Window *)window)
 Typecast a pointer to an canvas window.


typedef Ewl_Embed Ewl_Embed
typedef void * Ewl_Embed_Window


Ewl_Embedewl_embed_active_embed_get (void)
 Returns the currently active embed widget.
void ewl_embed_active_set (Ewl_Embed *embed, unsigned int act)
 Sets if the given embed embed is active or not.
void ewl_embed_cache_cleanup (Ewl_Embed *emb)
 This will destroy the object cache associated with the embed object.
void * ewl_embed_canvas_set (Ewl_Embed *emb, void *canvas, Ewl_Embed_Window *canvas_window)
 Change the canvas used by the embedded container.
Ewl_Embedewl_embed_canvas_window_find (Ewl_Embed_Window *win)
 Find an ewl embed by its evas window.
void ewl_embed_cb_configure (Ewl_Widget *w, void *ev_data, void *user_data)
void ewl_embed_cb_destroy (Ewl_Widget *w, void *ev_data, void *user_data)
void ewl_embed_cb_focus_out (Ewl_Widget *w, void *ev_data, void *user_data)
void ewl_embed_cb_realize (Ewl_Widget *w, void *ev_data, void *user_data)
void ewl_embed_cb_unrealize (Ewl_Widget *w, void *ev_data, void *user_data)
void ewl_embed_coord_to_screen (Ewl_Embed *e, int xx, int yy, int *x, int *y)
 Maps coordinates from the Evas to screen coordinates.
void ewl_embed_desktop_size_get (Ewl_Embed *e, int *w, int *y)
 Retrieve the size of the root window.
void ewl_embed_dnd_aware_remove (Ewl_Embed *embed)
 Cancels an embed as being DND aware.
void ewl_embed_dnd_aware_set (Ewl_Embed *embed)
 Set an embed as being DND aware.
void ewl_embed_dnd_data_received_feed (Ewl_Embed *embed, char *type, void *data, unsigned int len, unsigned int format)
 Sends the event for selection data received into an embed.
void ewl_embed_dnd_data_request_feed (Ewl_Embed *embed, void *handle, char *type)
 Sends the request event for selection data received into an embed.
const char * ewl_embed_dnd_drop_feed (Ewl_Embed *embed, int x, int y)
 Sends the event for a DND drop into an embed.
const char * ewl_embed_dnd_position_feed (Ewl_Embed *embed, int x, int y, int *, int *, int *, int *)
 Sends the event for a DND position into an embed.
const char * ewl_embed_engine_name_get (Ewl_Embed *embed)
 Get the current engine on an embed.
int ewl_embed_engine_name_set (Ewl_Embed *embed, const char *engine)
 Changes the current engine on an embed to the specified engine.
int ewl_embed_focus_get (Ewl_Embed *embed)
 Retrieve the boolean value that indicates if the emebd takes focus.
void ewl_embed_focus_set (Ewl_Embed *embed, int f)
 Sets the boolean flag in the embed to determine if it takes focus.
Ewl_Widgetewl_embed_focused_widget_get (Ewl_Embed *e)
 Get the current focused widget in the embed.
void ewl_embed_focused_widget_set (Ewl_Embed *e, Ewl_Widget *w)
 Set the current focused widget in the embed.
void ewl_embed_font_path_add (char *path)
 Add a font path to all embeds after realized.
void ewl_embed_freeze (Ewl_Embed *e)
 Freeze redraws and events on the specified embed.
void ewl_embed_info_widgets_cleanup (Ewl_Embed *e, Ewl_Widget *w)
 This will check to see if the given widget is one of the last selected, clicked, mouse_in or the drag-n-drop widget and if so, set them to NULL.
int ewl_embed_init (Ewl_Embed *emb)
 initialize a embed to default values and callbacks
void ewl_embed_key_down_feed (Ewl_Embed *embed, const char *keyname, unsigned int modifiers)
 Sends the event for a key press into an embed.
void ewl_embed_key_up_feed (Ewl_Embed *embed, const char *keyname, unsigned int modifiers)
 Sends the event for a key release into an embed.
void ewl_embed_last_mouse_position_get (int *x, int *y)
 Get the last tracked mouse position.
void ewl_embed_mouse_cursor_set (Ewl_Widget *w)
 This will retrieve the attached cursor off of the given widget and display it. If there is no widget on the widget it will use the default cursor.
void ewl_embed_mouse_down_feed (Ewl_Embed *embed, int b, int clicks, int x, int y, unsigned int modifiers)
 Sends the event for a mouse button press into an embed.
void ewl_embed_mouse_move_feed (Ewl_Embed *embed, int x, int y, unsigned int modifiers)
 Sends the event for a mouse button release into an embed.
void ewl_embed_mouse_out_feed (Ewl_Embed *embed, int x, int y, unsigned int modifiers)
 Sends a mouse out event to the last focused widget.
void ewl_embed_mouse_up_feed (Ewl_Embed *embed, int b, int clicks, int x, int y, unsigned int modifiers)
 Sends the event for a mouse button release into an embed.
void ewl_embed_mouse_wheel_feed (Ewl_Embed *embed, int x, int y, int z, int dir, unsigned int mods)
 Sends a mouse out event to the last focused widget.
Ewl_Widgetewl_embed_new (void)
 Allocate and initialize a new embed.
void ewl_embed_object_cache (Ewl_Embed *e, void *obj)
 Caches the specified object for later reuse.
void * ewl_embed_object_request (Ewl_Embed *e, char *type)
 Retrieves an object of type type from the embed cache, or NULL if none found.
void ewl_embed_position_get (Ewl_Embed *e, int *x, int *y)
 Retrieve the position of the embed.
unsigned int ewl_embed_render_get (Ewl_Embed *emb)
 Retrieve the boolean value that indicates if the emebd is rendered by ewl.
void ewl_embed_render_set (Ewl_Embed *emb, unsigned int render)
 Sets the boolean flag in the embed to determine if the embed is rendered by ewl.
void ewl_embed_selection_text_clear_feed (void)
 Sends a selection clear event to the widget with the text selection.
void ewl_embed_selection_text_set (Ewl_Embed *emb, Ewl_Widget *w, const char *txt)
 This will set the given txt as the primary selection text on the window or clear the text if txt is NULL.
void ewl_embed_shutdown (void)
void ewl_embed_tab_order_append (Ewl_Embed *e, Ewl_Widget *w)
 Moves the widget w to the end of the tab order.
void ewl_embed_tab_order_insert (Ewl_Embed *e, Ewl_Widget *w, unsigned int idx)
 Moves the given widget w to the position idx.
void ewl_embed_tab_order_insert_after (Ewl_Embed *e, Ewl_Widget *w, Ewl_Widget *after)
 Inserts the w widget into the tab order after the after widget.
void ewl_embed_tab_order_insert_before (Ewl_Embed *e, Ewl_Widget *w, Ewl_Widget *before)
 Inserts the w widget into the tab order before the before widget.
void ewl_embed_tab_order_next (Ewl_Embed *e)
 Changes focus to the next widget in the circular tab order list.
void ewl_embed_tab_order_prepend (Ewl_Embed *e, Ewl_Widget *w)
 Moves the widget w to the front of the tab order list.
void ewl_embed_tab_order_previous (Ewl_Embed *e)
 Changes focus to the next widget in the circular tab order list.
void ewl_embed_tab_order_remove (Ewl_Embed *e, Ewl_Widget *w)
 Removes the widget w from the tab order list for e.
void ewl_embed_thaw (Ewl_Embed *e)
 Thaw redraws and events on the specified embed.
Ewl_Embedewl_embed_widget_find (Ewl_Widget *w)
 Find an ewl embed by a widget inside.
void ewl_embed_window_position_get (Ewl_Embed *e, int *x, int *y)
 Retrieve the position of the window.

Define Documentation

#define EWL_EMBED ( widget   )     ((Ewl_Embed *) widget)

Typecast a pointer to an Ewl_Embed pointer.

#define EWL_EMBED_IS (  )     (ewl_widget_type_is(EWL_WIDGET(w), EWL_EMBED_TYPE))

Returns TRUE if the widget is an Ewl_Embed, FALSE otherwise

#define EWL_EMBED_TYPE   "embed"

The type name for the Ewl_Embed widget

#define EWL_EMBED_WINDOW ( window   )     ((Ewl_Embed_Window *)window)

Typecast a pointer to an canvas window.

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct Ewl_Embed Ewl_Embed

The embed structure is mostly a container for holding widgets and a wrapper canvas smart object.

typedef void* Ewl_Embed_Window

Typedef and abstract out embedded canvas windows

Function Documentation

Ewl_Embed* ewl_embed_active_embed_get ( void   ) 

Returns the currently active embed widget.

Returns the currently active embed

void ewl_embed_active_set ( Ewl_Embed embed,
unsigned int  act 

Sets if the given embed embed is active or not.

embed,: The embed to set the active value on
act,: The active value to set
Returns no value.

void ewl_embed_cache_cleanup ( Ewl_Embed emb  ) 

This will destroy the object cache associated with the embed object.

emb,: The embed to work with
Returns no value

void* ewl_embed_canvas_set ( Ewl_Embed emb,
void *  canvas,
Ewl_Embed_Window canvas_window 

Change the canvas used by the embedded container.

emb,: the embedded container to change the target canvas
canvas,: the new canvas to draw the container and it's contents
canvas_window,: the window containing the canvas, for event dispatching
Returns an canvas object on success, NULL on failure.
The returned smart object can be used to manipulate the area used by EWL through standard canvas functions.

Ewl_Embed* ewl_embed_canvas_window_find ( Ewl_Embed_Window window  ) 

Find an ewl embed by its evas window.

window,: the evas window to search for on the list of embeds
Returns the found embed on success, NULL on failure.

void ewl_embed_cb_configure ( Ewl_Widget w,
void *  ev_data,
void *  user_data 

void ewl_embed_cb_destroy ( Ewl_Widget w,
void *  ev_data,
void *  user_data 

void ewl_embed_cb_focus_out ( Ewl_Widget w,
void *  ev_data,
void *  user_data 

void ewl_embed_cb_realize ( Ewl_Widget w,
void *  ev_data,
void *  user_data 

void ewl_embed_cb_unrealize ( Ewl_Widget w,
void *  ev_data,
void *  user_data 

void ewl_embed_coord_to_screen ( Ewl_Embed e,
int  xx,
int  yy,
int *  x,
int *  y 

Maps coordinates from the Evas to screen coordinates.

e,: the embed to retrieve coord screen position
xx,: the x coord to map to a screen position
yy,: the y coord to map to a screen position
x,: storage for the mapped screen x position
y,: storage for the mapped screen y position
Returns no value.

void ewl_embed_desktop_size_get ( Ewl_Embed e,
int *  w,
int *  h 

Retrieve the size of the root window.

e,: the embed to query for window-position
w,: a pointer to the integer that should receive the width
h,: a pointer to the integer that should receive the height
Returns no value.
Stores the root window size into the parameters w and h.

void ewl_embed_dnd_aware_remove ( Ewl_Embed embed  ) 

Cancels an embed as being DND aware.

embed,: the embed to remove dnd aware
Returns no value.

void ewl_embed_dnd_aware_set ( Ewl_Embed embed  ) 

Set an embed as being DND aware.

embed,: the embed to set dnd aware
Returns no value.

void ewl_embed_dnd_data_received_feed ( Ewl_Embed embed,
char *  type,
void *  data,
unsigned int  len,
unsigned int  format 

Sends the event for selection data received into an embed.

embed,: the embed where the selection data event is to occur
type,: The type to feed.
data,: a pointer to the data received that generated the event
len,: length of the data that generated the event
format,: The bit format of the data
Returns no value.

void ewl_embed_dnd_data_request_feed ( Ewl_Embed embed,
void *  handle,
char *  type 

Sends the request event for selection data received into an embed.

embed,: the embed where the selection data request event is to occur
handle,: The DND handle to work with
type,: The type to feed
Returns no value.

const char* ewl_embed_dnd_drop_feed ( Ewl_Embed embed,
int  x,
int  y 

Sends the event for a DND drop into an embed.

embed,: the embed where the DND drop event is to occur
x,: the x coordinate of the mouse drop
y,: the y coordinate of the mouse drop
internal,: Is this an internal drop?
Returns the DND drop data type.

const char* ewl_embed_dnd_position_feed ( Ewl_Embed embed,
int  x,
int  y,
int *  px,
int *  py,
int *  pw,
int *  ph 

Sends the event for a DND position into an embed.

embed,: the embed where the DND position event is to occur
x,: the x coordinate of the mouse move
y,: the y coordinate of the mouse move
px,: Where to store the position x value
py,: Where to store the position y value
pw,: Where to store the position width
ph,: Where to store the position height
Returns the type of the DND data

const char* ewl_embed_engine_name_get ( Ewl_Embed embed  ) 

Get the current engine on an embed.

embed,: Embed to get engine name
Returns the name of the engine to use for the embed.

int ewl_embed_engine_name_set ( Ewl_Embed embed,
const char *  engine 

Changes the current engine on an embed to the specified engine.

embed,: Embed to change engines
engine,: Name of the new engine to use for the embed.
Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.

int ewl_embed_focus_get ( Ewl_Embed embed  ) 

Retrieve the boolean value that indicates if the emebd takes focus.

embed,: the embed to indicate if it takes focus
Returns a boolean indicating if the embed takes focus.

void ewl_embed_focus_set ( Ewl_Embed embed,
int  f 

Sets the boolean flag in the embed to determine if it takes focus.

embed,: the embed to inidicate if it takes focus
f,: boolean to determine if the embed takes focus
Returns no value.

Ewl_Widget* ewl_embed_focused_widget_get ( Ewl_Embed embed  ) 

Get the current focused widget in the embed.

embed,: The embed to get the curerntly focused widget
Returns the currently focused widget

void ewl_embed_focused_widget_set ( Ewl_Embed embed,
Ewl_Widget w 

Set the current focused widget in the embed.

embed,: The embed to set the focused widget too
w,: The widget to set as having focus, NULL is valid value and signifies that no widget has the focus.
Returns no value.

void ewl_embed_font_path_add ( char *  path  ) 

Add a font path to all embeds after realized.

path,: the font path to add to the embeds
Returns no value.
Adds the search path to the evases created in the embeds. Using ewl_theme_font_path_add is preferred.

void ewl_embed_freeze ( Ewl_Embed e  ) 

Freeze redraws and events on the specified embed.

e,: the embed to freeze redraws and canvas events
Returns no value.

void ewl_embed_info_widgets_cleanup ( Ewl_Embed e,
Ewl_Widget w 

This will check to see if the given widget is one of the last selected, clicked, mouse_in or the drag-n-drop widget and if so, set them to NULL.

e,: The embed to cleanup
w,: The wiget to check while cleaning up
Returns no value.

int ewl_embed_init ( Ewl_Embed emb  ) 

initialize a embed to default values and callbacks

emb,: the embed to be initialized to default values and callbacks
Returns TRUE or FALSE depending on if initialization succeeds.
Sets the values and callbacks of a embed w to their defaults.

void ewl_embed_key_down_feed ( Ewl_Embed embed,
const char *  keyname,
unsigned int  mods 

Sends the event for a key press into an embed.

embed,: the embed where the key event is to occur
keyname,: the key press to trigger
mods,: the mask of key modifiers currently pressed
Returns no value.

void ewl_embed_key_up_feed ( Ewl_Embed embed,
const char *  keyname,
unsigned int  mods 

Sends the event for a key release into an embed.

embed,: the embed where the key event is to occur
keyname,: the key release to trigger
mods,: the mask of key modifiers currently pressed
Returns no value.

void ewl_embed_last_mouse_position_get ( int *  x,
int *  y 

Get the last tracked mouse position.

x,: a pointer to the location to save the x coordinate
y,: a pointer to the location to save the y coordinate
Returns no value.
Get the last tracked mouse position. Ewl only tracks mouse postion, which are recognized by EWL that mean it only gives you the last mouse positon that is recognized inside of an Ewl_Embed.

The x and y pointer may be NULL.

void ewl_embed_mouse_cursor_set ( Ewl_Widget w  ) 

This will retrieve the attached cursor off of the given widget and display it. If there is no widget on the widget it will use the default cursor.

w,: The Ewl_Widget to get the pointer from
Returns no value.

void ewl_embed_mouse_down_feed ( Ewl_Embed embed,
int  b,
int  clicks,
int  x,
int  y,
unsigned int  mods 

Sends the event for a mouse button press into an embed.

embed,: the embed where the mouse event is to occur
b,: the number of the button pressed
clicks,: the number of times the button was pressed
x,: the x coordinate of the mouse press
y,: the y coordinate of the mouse press
mods,: the mask of key modifiers currently pressed
Returns no value.

void ewl_embed_mouse_move_feed ( Ewl_Embed embed,
int  x,
int  y,
unsigned int  mods 

Sends the event for a mouse button release into an embed.

embed,: the embed where the mouse event is to occur
x,: the x coordinate of the mouse move
y,: the y coordinate of the mouse move
mods,: the mask of key modifiers currently release
Returns no value.

void ewl_embed_mouse_out_feed ( Ewl_Embed embed,
int  x,
int  y,
unsigned int  mods 

Sends a mouse out event to the last focused widget.

embed,: the embed where the mouse event is to occur
x,: the x coordinate of the mouse out
y,: the y coordinate of the mouse out
mods,: the mask of key modifiers currently release
Returns no value.

void ewl_embed_mouse_up_feed ( Ewl_Embed embed,
int  b,
int  clicks,
int  x,
int  y,
unsigned int  mods 

Sends the event for a mouse button release into an embed.

embed,: the embed where the mouse event is to occur
b,: the number of the button released
x,: the x coordinate of the mouse release
y,: the y coordinate of the mouse release
mods,: the mask of key modifiers currently release
Returns no value.

void ewl_embed_mouse_wheel_feed ( Ewl_Embed embed,
int  x,
int  y,
int  z,
int  dir,
unsigned int  mods 

Sends a mouse out event to the last focused widget.

embed,: the embed where the mouse event is to occur
x,: the x coordinate of the mouse when the wheel event occurred
y,: the y coordinate of the mouse when wheel event occurred
z,: the direction the mouse wheel rotated
dir,: FIXME, not sure what this does, it's always 0
mods,: the mask of key modifiers currently release
Returns no value.

Ewl_Widget* ewl_embed_new ( void   ) 

Allocate and initialize a new embed.

Returns a new embed on success, or NULL on failure.

void ewl_embed_object_cache ( Ewl_Embed e,
void *  obj 

Caches the specified object for later reuse.

e,: embed to cache the specified object
obj,: the object to keep cached for reuse
Returns no value.

void* ewl_embed_object_request ( Ewl_Embed e,
char *  type 

Retrieves an object of type type from the embed cache, or NULL if none found.

e,: embed to request a cached object
type,: the type of object requested
Returns an Evas_Object of the specified type on success.

void ewl_embed_position_get ( Ewl_Embed e,
int *  x,
int *  y 

Retrieve the position of the embed.

e,: the embed to query for position
x,: a pointer to the integer that should receive the x coordinate
y,: a pointer to the integer that should receive the y coordinate
Returns no value.
Stores the embed position into the parameters x and y.

unsigned int ewl_embed_render_get ( Ewl_Embed embed  ) 

Retrieve the boolean value that indicates if the emebd is rendered by ewl.

embed,: the embed
Returns a boolean indicating if the embed is rendered by ewl

void ewl_embed_render_set ( Ewl_Embed embed,
unsigned int  f 

Sets the boolean flag in the embed to determine if the embed is rendered by ewl.

embed,: the embed to inidicate if it is rendered by ewl
f,: boolean to determine if the embed is rendered by ewl or not
Returns no value.
If the flag is set to true, ewl_engine_canvas_render() is called by ewl for this embed during the render phase, other wise the embed or another infrastructure has to render the canvas itself. For example a plain ewl_embed (what you get with ewl_embed_new()) with the evas backend will have this flag set to FALSE by default, because the evas_render() call is done by ecore_evas. For a ewl_window, however, the flag is set to TRUE by default, so ewl will call the canvas render function.

Use this function only if you really know what you are doing. The default setting should work fine in anycase.

void ewl_embed_selection_text_clear_feed ( void   ) 

Sends a selection clear event to the widget with the text selection.

Returns no value.

void ewl_embed_selection_text_set ( Ewl_Embed emb,
Ewl_Widget w,
const char *  txt 

This will set the given txt as the primary selection text on the window or clear the text if txt is NULL.

emb,: The embed to set the selection on
w,: The widget holding the selection
txt,: The text to set into the selection
Returns no value.

void ewl_embed_shutdown ( void   ) 

void ewl_embed_tab_order_append ( Ewl_Embed e,
Ewl_Widget w 

Moves the widget w to the end of the tab order.

e,: The embed that holds the widgets
w,: The widget to be append to the tab order
Returns no value.

void ewl_embed_tab_order_insert ( Ewl_Embed e,
Ewl_Widget w,
unsigned int  idx 

Moves the given widget w to the position idx.

e,: The embed that holds the widgets
w,: The widget to insert into the tab order
idx,: The index to insert into
Returns no value.

void ewl_embed_tab_order_insert_after ( Ewl_Embed e,
Ewl_Widget w,
Ewl_Widget after 

Inserts the w widget into the tab order after the after widget.

e,: The embed to insert the widget into the tab order
w,: The widget ot insert into the tab order
after,: The widget to insert after
Returns no value.

void ewl_embed_tab_order_insert_before ( Ewl_Embed e,
Ewl_Widget w,
Ewl_Widget before 

Inserts the w widget into the tab order before the before widget.

e,: The embed to insert the widget into the tab order
w,: The widget ot insert into the tab order
before,: The widget to insert after
Returns no value.

void ewl_embed_tab_order_next ( Ewl_Embed e  ) 

Changes focus to the next widget in the circular tab order list.

e,: the embed to change focus of it's contained widgets
Returns no value.

void ewl_embed_tab_order_prepend ( Ewl_Embed e,
Ewl_Widget w 

Moves the widget w to the front of the tab order list.

e,: the embed that holds widgets
w,: the widget that will be moved to the front of the tab order list
Returns no value.

void ewl_embed_tab_order_previous ( Ewl_Embed e  ) 

Changes focus to the next widget in the circular tab order list.

e,: the embed to change focus of it's contained widgets
Returns no value.

void ewl_embed_tab_order_remove ( Ewl_Embed e,
Ewl_Widget w 

Removes the widget w from the tab order list for e.

e,: the embed containing a widget to remove from the tab order
w,: the widget to remove from the tab order list
Returns no value.

void ewl_embed_thaw ( Ewl_Embed e  ) 

Thaw redraws and events on the specified embed.

e,: the embed to thaw redraws and canvas events
Returns no value.

Ewl_Embed* ewl_embed_widget_find ( Ewl_Widget w  ) 

Find an ewl embed by a widget inside.

w,: the widget to search for its embed
Returns the found embed on success, NULL on failure.

void ewl_embed_window_position_get ( Ewl_Embed e,
int *  x,
int *  y 

Retrieve the position of the window.

e,: the embed to query for window-position
x,: a pointer to the integer that should receive the x coordinate
y,: a pointer to the integer that should receive the y coordinate
Returns no value.
Stores the window position into the parameters x and y.

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Enlightened Widget Library Documentation Generated: Sun Sep 27 01:49:46 2009