

lib/ewl_embed.h File Reference

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Data Structures

struct  Ewl_Embed
 Inherits from Ewl_Cell that acts as a top level widget for interacting with the canvas. More...


#define EWL_EMBED(widget)   ((Ewl_Embed *) widget)
 Typecast a pointer to an Ewl_Embed pointer.
#define EWL_EMBED_IS(w)   (ewl_widget_type_is(EWL_WIDGET(w), EWL_EMBED_TYPE))
#define EWL_EMBED_TYPE   "embed"
#define EWL_EMBED_WINDOW(window)   ((Ewl_Embed_Window *)window)
 Typecast a pointer to an canvas window.


typedef Ewl_Embed Ewl_Embed
typedef void * Ewl_Embed_Window


Ewl_Embedewl_embed_active_embed_get (void)
 Returns the currently active embed widget.
void ewl_embed_active_set (Ewl_Embed *embed, unsigned int act)
 Sets if the given embed embed is active or not.
void ewl_embed_cache_cleanup (Ewl_Embed *emb)
 This will destroy the object cache associated with the embed object.
void * ewl_embed_canvas_set (Ewl_Embed *emb, void *canvas, Ewl_Embed_Window *canvas_window)
 Change the canvas used by the embedded container.
Ewl_Embedewl_embed_canvas_window_find (Ewl_Embed_Window *win)
 Find an ewl embed by its evas window.
void ewl_embed_cb_configure (Ewl_Widget *w, void *ev_data, void *user_data)
void ewl_embed_cb_destroy (Ewl_Widget *w, void *ev_data, void *user_data)
void ewl_embed_cb_focus_out (Ewl_Widget *w, void *ev_data, void *user_data)
void ewl_embed_cb_realize (Ewl_Widget *w, void *ev_data, void *user_data)
void ewl_embed_cb_unrealize (Ewl_Widget *w, void *ev_data, void *user_data)
void ewl_embed_coord_to_screen (Ewl_Embed *e, int xx, int yy, int *x, int *y)
 Maps coordinates from the Evas to screen coordinates.
void ewl_embed_desktop_size_get (Ewl_Embed *e, int *w, int *y)
 Retrieve the size of the root window.
void ewl_embed_dnd_aware_remove (Ewl_Embed *embed)
 Cancels an embed as being DND aware.
void ewl_embed_dnd_aware_set (Ewl_Embed *embed)
 Set an embed as being DND aware.
void ewl_embed_dnd_data_received_feed (Ewl_Embed *embed, char *type, void *data, unsigned int len, unsigned int format)
 Sends the event for selection data received into an embed.
void ewl_embed_dnd_data_request_feed (Ewl_Embed *embed, void *handle, char *type)
 Sends the request event for selection data received into an embed.
const char * ewl_embed_dnd_drop_feed (Ewl_Embed *embed, int x, int y)
 Sends the event for a DND drop into an embed.
const char * ewl_embed_dnd_position_feed (Ewl_Embed *embed, int x, int y, int *, int *, int *, int *)
 Sends the event for a DND position into an embed.
const char * ewl_embed_engine_name_get (Ewl_Embed *embed)
 Get the current engine on an embed.
int ewl_embed_engine_name_set (Ewl_Embed *embed, const char *engine)
 Changes the current engine on an embed to the specified engine.
int ewl_embed_focus_get (Ewl_Embed *embed)
 Retrieve the boolean value that indicates if the emebd takes focus.
void ewl_embed_focus_set (Ewl_Embed *embed, int f)
 Sets the boolean flag in the embed to determine if it takes focus.
Ewl_Widgetewl_embed_focused_widget_get (Ewl_Embed *e)
 Get the current focused widget in the embed.
void ewl_embed_focused_widget_set (Ewl_Embed *e, Ewl_Widget *w)
 Set the current focused widget in the embed.
void ewl_embed_font_path_add (char *path)
 Add a font path to all embeds after realized.
void ewl_embed_freeze (Ewl_Embed *e)
 Freeze redraws and events on the specified embed.
void ewl_embed_info_widgets_cleanup (Ewl_Embed *e, Ewl_Widget *w)
 This will check to see if the given widget is one of the last selected, clicked, mouse_in or the drag-n-drop widget and if so, set them to NULL.
int ewl_embed_init (Ewl_Embed *emb)
 initialize a embed to default values and callbacks
void ewl_embed_key_down_feed (Ewl_Embed *embed, const char *keyname, unsigned int modifiers)
 Sends the event for a key press into an embed.
void ewl_embed_key_up_feed (Ewl_Embed *embed, const char *keyname, unsigned int modifiers)
 Sends the event for a key release into an embed.
void ewl_embed_last_mouse_position_get (int *x, int *y)
 Get the last tracked mouse position.
void ewl_embed_mouse_cursor_set (Ewl_Widget *w)
 This will retrieve the attached cursor off of the given widget and display it. If there is no widget on the widget it will use the default cursor.
void ewl_embed_mouse_down_feed (Ewl_Embed *embed, int b, int clicks, int x, int y, unsigned int modifiers)
 Sends the event for a mouse button press into an embed.
void ewl_embed_mouse_move_feed (Ewl_Embed *embed, int x, int y, unsigned int modifiers)
 Sends the event for a mouse button release into an embed.
void ewl_embed_mouse_out_feed (Ewl_Embed *embed, int x, int y, unsigned int modifiers)
 Sends a mouse out event to the last focused widget.
void ewl_embed_mouse_up_feed (Ewl_Embed *embed, int b, int clicks, int x, int y, unsigned int modifiers)
 Sends the event for a mouse button release into an embed.
void ewl_embed_mouse_wheel_feed (Ewl_Embed *embed, int x, int y, int z, int dir, unsigned int mods)
 Sends a mouse out event to the last focused widget.
Ewl_Widgetewl_embed_new (void)
 Allocate and initialize a new embed.
void ewl_embed_object_cache (Ewl_Embed *e, void *obj)
 Caches the specified object for later reuse.
void * ewl_embed_object_request (Ewl_Embed *e, char *type)
 Retrieves an object of type type from the embed cache, or NULL if none found.
void ewl_embed_position_get (Ewl_Embed *e, int *x, int *y)
 Retrieve the position of the embed.
unsigned int ewl_embed_render_get (Ewl_Embed *emb)
 Retrieve the boolean value that indicates if the emebd is rendered by ewl.
void ewl_embed_render_set (Ewl_Embed *emb, unsigned int render)
 Sets the boolean flag in the embed to determine if the embed is rendered by ewl.
void ewl_embed_selection_text_clear_feed (void)
 Sends a selection clear event to the widget with the text selection.
void ewl_embed_selection_text_set (Ewl_Embed *emb, Ewl_Widget *w, const char *txt)
 This will set the given txt as the primary selection text on the window or clear the text if txt is NULL.
void ewl_embed_shutdown (void)
void ewl_embed_tab_order_append (Ewl_Embed *e, Ewl_Widget *w)
 Moves the widget w to the end of the tab order.
void ewl_embed_tab_order_insert (Ewl_Embed *e, Ewl_Widget *w, unsigned int idx)
 Moves the given widget w to the position idx.
void ewl_embed_tab_order_insert_after (Ewl_Embed *e, Ewl_Widget *w, Ewl_Widget *after)
 Inserts the w widget into the tab order after the after widget.
void ewl_embed_tab_order_insert_before (Ewl_Embed *e, Ewl_Widget *w, Ewl_Widget *before)
 Inserts the w widget into the tab order before the before widget.
void ewl_embed_tab_order_next (Ewl_Embed *e)
 Changes focus to the next widget in the circular tab order list.
void ewl_embed_tab_order_prepend (Ewl_Embed *e, Ewl_Widget *w)
 Moves the widget w to the front of the tab order list.
void ewl_embed_tab_order_previous (Ewl_Embed *e)
 Changes focus to the next widget in the circular tab order list.
void ewl_embed_tab_order_remove (Ewl_Embed *e, Ewl_Widget *w)
 Removes the widget w from the tab order list for e.
void ewl_embed_thaw (Ewl_Embed *e)
 Thaw redraws and events on the specified embed.
Ewl_Embedewl_embed_widget_find (Ewl_Widget *w)
 Find an ewl embed by a widget inside.
void ewl_embed_window_position_get (Ewl_Embed *e, int *x, int *y)
 Retrieve the position of the window.

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Enlightened Widget Library Documentation Generated: Sun Sep 27 01:49:05 2009