

lib/ewl_container.h File Reference

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Data Structures

struct  Ewl_Container
 Inherits from the Ewl_Widget and expands to allow for placing child widgets within the available space. Also adds notifiers for various child events. More...


#define EWL_CONTAINER(widget)   ((Ewl_Container *) widget)
 Typecast a poiner to an Ewl_Container pointer.
#define EWL_CONTAINER_IS(w)   (ewl_widget_type_is(EWL_WIDGET(w), EWL_CONTAINER_TYPE))
#define EWL_CONTAINER_TYPE   "container"


typedef void(*) Ewl_Child_Add (Ewl_Container *c, Ewl_Widget *w)
typedef void(*) Ewl_Child_Hide (Ewl_Container *c, Ewl_Widget *w)
typedef void(*) Ewl_Child_Remove (Ewl_Container *c, Ewl_Widget *w, int idx)
typedef void(*) Ewl_Child_Resize (Ewl_Container *c, Ewl_Widget *w, int size, Ewl_Orientation o)
typedef void(*) Ewl_Child_Show (Ewl_Container *c, Ewl_Widget *w)
typedef Ewl_Container Ewl_Container
typedef Ewl_Widget *(*) Ewl_Container_Iterator (Ewl_Container *c)


void ewl_container_add_notify_set (Ewl_Container *container, Ewl_Child_Add add)
 Set the function to be called when adding children.
void ewl_container_callback_intercept (Ewl_Container *c, unsigned int t)
 Receive a callback in place of children.
void ewl_container_callback_nointercept (Ewl_Container *c, unsigned int t)
 Remove a callback interception from children.
void ewl_container_callback_nonotify (Ewl_Container *c, unsigned int t)
 receive a callback of a child
void ewl_container_callback_notify (Ewl_Container *c, unsigned int t)
 receive a callback of a child
void ewl_container_cb_configure (Ewl_Widget *w, void *ev_data, void *user_data)
void ewl_container_cb_container_focus_out (Ewl_Widget *w, void *ev_data, void *user_data)
void ewl_container_cb_obscure (Ewl_Widget *w, void *ev_data, void *user_data)
void ewl_container_cb_realize (Ewl_Widget *w, void *ev_data, void *user_data)
void ewl_container_cb_reparent (Ewl_Widget *w, void *ev_data, void *user_data)
void ewl_container_cb_state_change (Ewl_Widget *w, void *ev_data, void *user_data)
void ewl_container_cb_unrealize (Ewl_Widget *w, void *ev_data, void *user_data)
void ewl_container_child_add_call (Ewl_Container *c, Ewl_Widget *w)
 Triggers the child_add callback for the container c.
void ewl_container_child_append (Ewl_Container *parent, Ewl_Widget *child)
 Add a child at the end of the container.
Ewl_Widgetewl_container_child_at_get (Ewl_Container *widget, int x, int y)
 Find the child at the given coordinates.
Ewl_Widgetewl_container_child_at_recursive_get (Ewl_Container *widget, int x, int y)
 Find child that intersects coordinates.
int ewl_container_child_count_get (Ewl_Container *c)
 Returns the number of child widgets in the container.
int ewl_container_child_count_internal_get (Ewl_Container *c)
 Returns the number of child widgets in the container.
int ewl_container_child_count_visible_get (Ewl_Container *c)
 Returns the number of visible child widgets in the container.
Ewl_Widgetewl_container_child_get (Ewl_Container *parent, int index)
 Retrieve the child at the given index in the container.
void ewl_container_child_hide_call (Ewl_Container *c, Ewl_Widget *w)
 Triggers the child_hide callback for the container c.
int ewl_container_child_index_get (Ewl_Container *parent, Ewl_Widget *child)
 Retrieves the index of the given child in the container or -1 if not found.
int ewl_container_child_index_internal_get (Ewl_Container *parent, Ewl_Widget *child)
 Retrieves the index of the given child in the container taking internal widgets into account or -1 if not found.
void ewl_container_child_insert (Ewl_Container *parent, Ewl_Widget *child, int index)
 Add a child at an index of the container.
void ewl_container_child_insert_internal (Ewl_Container *parent, Ewl_Widget *child, int index)
 Add a child at an index of the container.
Ewl_Widgetewl_container_child_internal_get (Ewl_Container *parent, int index)
 Retrieves the child at the given index in the container taking internal widgets into account.
void ewl_container_child_iterate_begin (Ewl_Container *c)
 Prepare the container to iterate over it's children.
void ewl_container_child_iterator_set (Ewl_Container *c, Ewl_Container_Iterator i)
 Changes the iterator function for a container.
Ewl_Widgetewl_container_child_next (Ewl_Container *c)
 Retrieve the next elligible child in a container.
void ewl_container_child_prepend (Ewl_Container *parent, Ewl_Widget *child)
 Add a child at the beginning of the container.
void ewl_container_child_remove (Ewl_Container *parent, Ewl_Widget *child)
 Remove the specified child from the container.
void ewl_container_child_remove_call (Ewl_Container *c, Ewl_Widget *w, int idx)
 Triggers the child_remove callback for the container c.
void ewl_container_child_resize (Ewl_Widget *w, int size, Ewl_Orientation o)
 Notify a container of a child pref size change.
void ewl_container_child_show_call (Ewl_Container *c, Ewl_Widget *w)
 Triggers the child_show callback for the container c.
void ewl_container_children_show (Ewl_Container *c)
 A convenience function to recursively show the children of a container.
void ewl_container_destroy (Ewl_Container *c)
 Destroy all the sub-children of the container.
Ewl_Containerewl_container_end_redirect_get (Ewl_Container *c)
 Searches for the last redirected container of the container.
void ewl_container_hide_notify_set (Ewl_Container *container, Ewl_Child_Hide show)
 Set the function to be called when hideing children.
int ewl_container_init (Ewl_Container *container)
 Initialize a containers default fields and callbacks.
void ewl_container_largest_prefer (Ewl_Container *c, Ewl_Orientation o)
 Set preferred size to widest child.
Ewl_Widgetewl_container_new (void)
 Allocate a new container.
Ewl_Containerewl_container_redirect_get (Ewl_Container *c)
 Retrieves for the redirected container of the container.
void ewl_container_redirect_set (Ewl_Container *c, Ewl_Container *rc)
 Changes the redirected container of the container.
void ewl_container_remove_notify_set (Ewl_Container *container, Ewl_Child_Remove remove)
 Set the function to be called when removing children.
void ewl_container_reset (Ewl_Container *c)
 Destroy all children of the container.
void ewl_container_resize_notify_set (Ewl_Container *container, Ewl_Child_Resize resize)
 Set function to be called when children resize.
void ewl_container_show_notify_set (Ewl_Container *container, Ewl_Child_Show show)
 Set the function to be called when showing children.
void ewl_container_sum_prefer (Ewl_Container *c, Ewl_Orientation o)
 Set the sum orientation of the container.

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Enlightened Widget Library Documentation Generated: Sun Sep 27 01:49:01 2009