Todo List

Global ENFN

page Evas

(1.0) Need a way ot scaling an image and just PRODUCING the output (scaling direct to target buffe r- no blend/copy etc.)

(1.0) Could improve evas's scaling down code to limit multiple samples per output pixel to maybe 2x2?

(1.0) Document API

(1.0) Evas needs to check delete_me member for all object functions

(1.0) Evas engine that renders to Evas_Objects

(1.0) OpenGL engine needs to use texture meshes

(1.0) OpenGL engine needs texture cache and size setting

(1.0) OpenGL Engine needs YUV import API to YUV texture

(1.0) All engines need pixel import API

(1.0) Add parital render through composite layer api to engines

(1.0) Move callback processing to a queue and do it asynchronously???

(1.0) Add button grabbing

(1.0) Add generic object method call system

(1.0) Add callbacks set for smart object parents to be set on all child smart objects too.

(1.0) Add font load query calls (so we know if a font load failed)

(1.0) Add font listing calls

(1.0) Add ability to check image comments & disk format

(1.0) Add fontset support

(1.0) Export engine rendering API cleanly to Evas API

(1.0) Add smart object ability to provide rendering callback

(1.1) Make freetype optional and put in optional graymap font engine

(1.1) Free images if object invisible (and put back in chache)

(1.1) Check robustness of malloc/calloc/realloc failures.

(1.1) Add memory use reduction code if any allocations fail

(1.1) If image loads fails due to memory allocatue failure, load reduced res version

(1.1) If image load fails due to memory allocation failure, try split it up into tiles and demand-load them

(1.2) Add external image loaders (application provided callbacks to load)

(1.2) Add loadable image loader module support (evas loads

(1.2) Add external image loader modules (application provides path to

(1.3) Add X11 primtive engine (ie pixmap)

(1.3) Add immediate mode drawing commands to image objects

(1.3) Fix FB engine to allocate vt and release properly

(1.4) Add ellipse objects (circle, arc, ellipse etc.)

(1.5) Make software engine draw lines & polys etc. with aa

(1.5) Add radial gradients to gradient objects

(1.5) Add Symbian Engine

(1.6) Add PalmOS Engine

(1.6) Add Apple OpenGL Engine

(1.7) Document engine API and other internals

(1.7) Allow any object to clip any other object, and not just rectangles

(1.8) Add more evas demos

(1.9) Write the error mechanism in evas_xcb_buffer.c

(1.9) Rewrite the render xcb engine

(1.10) Improve Win32 Direct3D Engine

File Evas.h

check boolean return values and convert to Eina_Bool

change all api to use EINA_SAFETY_*

finish api documentation

Global evas_key_modifier_get (const Evas *e) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_PURE
document key modifiers.

Global evas_object_table_homogeneous_set (Evas_Object *o, Evas_Object_Table_Homogeneous_Mode homogeneous)

consider aspect hint and respect it.


Group Evas_Object_Textblock

put here some usage examples