_Evas_Smart_Cb_Description Struct Reference
[Smart Functions]

Describes a callback used by a smart class evas_object_smart_callback_call(), particularly useful to explain to user and its code (ie: introspection) what the parameter event_info will contain. More...

Data Fields

const char * name
 callback name, ie: "changed"
const char * type
 Hint type of event_info parameter of Evas_Smart_Cb.

Detailed Description

Describes a callback used by a smart class evas_object_smart_callback_call(), particularly useful to explain to user and its code (ie: introspection) what the parameter event_info will contain.

Field Documentation

Hint type of event_info parameter of Evas_Smart_Cb.

The type string uses the pattern similar to


but extended to optionally include variable names within brackets preceding types. Example:

  • Structure with two integers: "(ii)"
  • Structure called 'x' with two integers named 'a' and 'b': "[x]([a]i[b]i)"
  • Array of integers: "ai"
  • Array called 'x' of struct with two integers: "[x]a(ii)"
This type string is used as a hint and is not validated or enforced anyhow. Implementors should make the best use of it to help bindings, documentation and other users of introspection features.