Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
_Evas_Coord_Rectangle< A rectangle in Evas_Coord
_Evas_Cserve_ConfigConfiguration that controls the server that shares cached bitmaps
_Evas_Cserve_ImageAn image shared by the server
_Evas_Cserve_Image_CacheCache of images shared by server
_Evas_Cserve_StatsStatistics about server that shares cached bitmaps
_Evas_Engine_InfoGeneric engine information
_Evas_Event_HoldHold change event
_Evas_Event_Key_DownKey press event
_Evas_Event_Key_UpKey release event
_Evas_Event_Mouse_DownMouse button press event
_Evas_Event_Mouse_InMouse enter event
_Evas_Event_Mouse_MoveMouse button down event
_Evas_Event_Mouse_OutMouse leave event
_Evas_Event_Mouse_UpMouse button release event
_Evas_Event_Mouse_WheelWheel event
_Evas_Event_Multi_DownMulti button press event
_Evas_Event_Multi_MoveMulti button down event
_Evas_Event_Multi_UpMulti button release event
_Evas_Object_Box_ApiThis structure should be used by any class that wants to inherit from box to provide custom behavior not allowed only by providing a layout function with evas_object_box_layout_set()
_Evas_Object_Box_DataThis structure augments clipped smart object's instance data, providing extra members required by generic box implementation
_Evas_Smart_Cb_DescriptionDescribes a callback used by a smart class evas_object_smart_callback_call(), particularly useful to explain to user and its code (ie: introspection) what the parameter event_info will contain
_Evas_Smart_ClassSmart object class