EPhysics - Bouncing Text

The purpose of this example is to demonstrate the EPhysics_Body binding to a text (Evas_Object)


For this example we'll have an EPhysics_World and one basic EPhysics_Body.

The basic concepts like - initializing an EPhysics_World, render geometry, physics limiting boundaries, were already covered in EPhysics - Bouncing Ball

Creating the text

Create a basic evas_object_text.

Evas_Object *text;
text = evas_object_text_add(evas_object_evas_get(test_data->win));
evas_object_text_text_set(text, "EPHYSICS");
evas_object_text_font_set(text, "Sans", 54);
evas_object_color_set(text, 95, 56, 19, 255);
evas_object_move(text, WIDTH / 4, HEIGHT / 8);

Creating the body

Create a simple EPhysics_Body.

Note that we use ephysics_body_geometry_set() to define its size because the evas_object has a different size that we want to represent physically. The text may have accent or letters like j and g.

text_body = ephysics_body_box_add(test_data->world);
ephysics_body_geometry_set(text_body, x, y, -15, w * 5 / 6, 46, 30);
ephysics_body_friction_set(text_body, 0.1);


After creating the body and the text, now we need to bind them.

We set the last parameter as EINA_FALSE because in this example we don't want to set the physics body position to match evas object position.

Here we finish the example. The full source code can be found at test_bouncing_text.c.