

Widget Packing

Everything in Ewl is made up of widgets. The combinations of these widgets are what form the basis for your applications. By packing these widgets together you can achieve the layouts you require for your application.

Padding and Insets

Each widget in Ewl is provided with a set of padding and inset values. These can either be provided through a data block in the theme:

data {
   item: "pad" 10;
   item: "inset" 10;
   item: "inset/left" 20;

or using the provided function calls:

void ewl_object_padding_set(Ewl_Object *o, int l, int r, int t, int b);
void ewl_object_insets_set(Ewl_Object *o, int l, int r, int t, int b);

If you use both then the function call will override the theme settings.

As you can see from the data block you can provide a single value to provide for all four settings or you can set each setting individually. So, in this case we have set the inset padding to 10 but over-ridden the inset/left padding to be 20.

Depending on if you use padding or insets the space will be added to the container in differing fashions, and effect some of the available container sizing calls. The interactions of the padding and function calls is seen in the image below.


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Enlightened Widget Library Documentation Generated: Sun Sep 27 01:49:46 2009