

Ewl_Widget: The Parent Widget Class Common to All Widgets

Detailed Description

Defines the Ewl_Widget class and it's accessor/modifier functions.

The Ewl_Widget extends the Ewl_Object to provide the basic facilities necessary for widgets to interact with the end user. This includes basic callbacks for input events, window information changes, and drawing to the display.

Inherits from Ewl_Object.


Small as small can be (originally at

Whats the minimum amount of work you need to do to create your own EWL widget? Just want something you can build on but dont know where to start?

Well, hopefully this should give you the base for starting your widget. Assuming you're creating a widget called My_Widget, the EWL convention is to have a my_widget.c and my_widget.h files. There are only a couple things you need to implement to get a working widget.

First, my_widget.h.

     #ifndef MY_WIDGET_H
     #define MY_WIDGET_H

     #include <Ewl.h>

     #define MY_WIDGET(w) ((My_Widget *)w)
     #define MY_WIDGET_TYPE "my_widget"

     typedef struct My_Widget My_Widget;
     struct My_Widget
         Ewl_Widget widget;

     Ewl_Widget *my_widget_new(void);
     int my_widget_init(My_Widget *w);


That wasn't so bad. What have we got? Well, the MY_WIDGET(w) define gives us a simple macro to cast other widgets to our widget. The second define, MY_WIDGET_TYPE, is a simple macro containing the type name of the widget. Well use that a bit later (and in any type checking we add to our widget.)

We then create the widget structure. In this case were inheriting from Ewl_Widget so its the first item in our struct (and not a pointer, thats important). This is how EWLs inhertiance works. The widget you're inheriting from is the first item in the struct and not a pointer. You will now be able to call any of the methods of the inherited class on the new class.

We then declare two methods. The convention in EWL is that the _new() function always takes no parameters (void). There is also always a _init() function that takes the widget as its only parameter and returns an int, if the initialization succeeded or failed.

With that out of the way, lets take a look at my_widget.c.

     #include "my_widget.h"

     Ewl_Widget *
         Ewl_Widget *w;

         w = calloc(1, sizeof(My_Widget)));
         if (!w) return NULL;

         if (!my_widget_init(MY_WIDGET(w)))
                 return NULL;
         return w;

     my_widget_init(My_Widget *w)
          if (!ewl_widget_init(EWL_WIDGET(w)))
                 return 0;

         ewl_widget_appearance_set(EWL_WIDGET(w), MY_WIDGET_TYPE);
         ewl_widget_inherit(EWL_WIDGET(w), MY_WIDGET_TYPE);

         return 1;

Thats pretty simple. We create a new widget, initialize it and thats about it. In my_widget_init() we make sure we call ewl_widget_init() as thats the widget we are inheriting from and we then set our inheritance and appearance strings (notice the use of our type define from earlier).

With that you've got a simple widget. It doesn't do much, but it exists. Build on as you will.

Data Structures

struct  Ewl_Attach_List
 A list of things attached to a widget. More...
struct  Ewl_Callback_Chain
 The callback chain contains the length, mask and information on the list. More...
struct  Ewl_Color_Set
 Contains an RGBA set of colours. More...
struct  Ewl_Pair
 Contains a key and a value pair. More...
struct  Ewl_Pair_List
 Contains a list of key value pairs. More...
struct  Ewl_Widget
 Inherits from Ewl_Object and extends to provide appearance, parent, and callback capabilities. More...


#define CONFIGURED(o)
#define DESTROYED(o)
#define DISABLED(o)   (ewl_widget_applied_state_has(EWL_WIDGET(o), EWL_STATE_DISABLED))
#define EWL_PAIR(p)   ((Ewl_Pair *)p)
#define EWL_WIDGET(widget)   ((Ewl_Widget *) widget)
 Typecast a pointer to an Ewl_Widget pointer.
#define ewl_widget_flags_get(o, mask)   (EWL_WIDGET(o)->flags & mask)
 Retrieves the current setting of the widget flags for o.
#define ewl_widget_flags_has(o, check_flags, mask)   (!!(EWL_WIDGET(o)->flags & ((check_flags) & mask)))
 Determines if widget has the requested flags set.
#define ewl_widget_flags_has_all(o, check_flags, mask)   ((EWL_WIDGET(o)->flags & ((check_flags) & mask)) == ((check_flags) & mask))
 Determines if widget has all of the requested flags set.
#define ewl_widget_in_tab_list_get(o)   (ewl_widget_flags_get(o, EWL_FLAG_PROPERTY_IN_TAB_LIST))
 Retrieves the current setting of the in tab list flag for o.
#define ewl_widget_in_tab_list_set(o, val)
 Changes the tab list flag value to match val.
#define EWL_WIDGET_IS(w)   (ewl_widget_type_is(EWL_WIDGET(w), EWL_WIDGET_TYPE))
#define ewl_widget_queued_add(o, queued)   ewl_widget_flags_add(o, queued, EWL_FLAGS_QUEUED_MASK)
#define ewl_widget_queued_get(o, queued)   ewl_widget_flags_get(o, queued, EWL_FLAGS_QUEUED_MASK)
#define ewl_widget_queued_has(o, queued)   ewl_widget_flags_has(o, queued, EWL_FLAGS_QUEUED_MASK)
#define ewl_widget_queued_remove(o, queued)   ewl_widget_flags_remove(o, queued, EWL_FLAGS_QUEUED_MASK)
#define ewl_widget_recursive_get(o)   (ewl_widget_flags_get(o, EWL_FLAG_PROPERTY_RECURSIVE))
 Retrieves the current setting of the recursive flag for o.
#define ewl_widget_recursive_set(o, val)
 Changes the recursive flag value to match val.
#define ewl_widget_toplevel_get(o)   (ewl_widget_flags_get(o, EWL_FLAG_PROPERTY_TOPLEVEL))
 Retrieves the current setting of the top level flag for o.
#define ewl_widget_toplevel_set(o, val)
 Changes the top level flag value to match val.
#define EWL_WIDGET_TYPE   "widget"
#define ewl_widget_visible_add(o, visible)   ewl_widget_flags_add(o, visible, EWL_FLAGS_VISIBLE_MASK)
#define ewl_widget_visible_get(o, visible)   ewl_widget_flags_get(o, visible, EWL_FLAGS_VISIBLE_MASK)
#define ewl_widget_visible_has(o, visible)   ewl_widget_flags_has(o, visible, EWL_FLAGS_VISIBLE_MASK)
#define ewl_widget_visible_remove(o, visible)   ewl_widget_flags_remove(o, visible, EWL_FLAGS_VISIBLE_MASK)
#define HIDDEN(o)   (!(EWL_WIDGET(o)->flags & EWL_FLAG_VISIBLE_SHOWN))


typedef Ewl_Attach_List Ewl_Attach_List
typedef Ewl_Callback_Chain Ewl_Callback_Chain
typedef Ewl_Color_Set Ewl_Color_Set
typedef Ewl_Pair Ewl_Pair
typedef Ewl_Pair_List Ewl_Pair_List
typedef Ewl_Widget Ewl_Widget


const char * ewl_widget_appearance_get (Ewl_Widget *w)
 Retrieve the appearance key of the widget.
const char * ewl_widget_appearance_part_text_get (Ewl_Widget *w, const char *part)
 Retrieve a copy of a parts current text.
void ewl_widget_appearance_part_text_set (Ewl_Widget *w, const char *part, const char *text)
 Change the text of the given theme part of a widget.
int ewl_widget_appearance_path_copy (Ewl_Widget *w, char *buf, int size)
char * ewl_widget_appearance_path_get (Ewl_Widget *w)
 Retrieve the appearance path key of the widget.
int ewl_widget_appearance_path_size_get (Ewl_Widget *w)
void ewl_widget_appearance_set (Ewl_Widget *w, const char *appearance)
 Change the appearance of the specified widget.
const char * ewl_widget_appearance_text_get (Ewl_Widget *w)
 Retrieve the text of the given theme part of a widget.
void ewl_widget_appearance_text_set (Ewl_Widget *w, const char *text)
 Change the text of the given theme part of a widget.
unsigned int ewl_widget_applied_state_has (Ewl_Widget *w, Ewl_State state)
void ewl_widget_cb_configure (Ewl_Widget *w, void *ev_data, void *user_data)
void ewl_widget_cb_hide (Ewl_Widget *w, void *ev_data, void *user_data)
void ewl_widget_cb_mouse_down (Ewl_Widget *w, void *ev_data, void *user_data)
void ewl_widget_cb_mouse_move (Ewl_Widget *w, void *ev_data, void *user_data)
void ewl_widget_cb_mouse_up (Ewl_Widget *w, void *ev_data, void *user_data)
void ewl_widget_cb_obscure (Ewl_Widget *w, void *ev_data, void *user_data)
void ewl_widget_cb_realize (Ewl_Widget *w, void *ev_data, void *user_data)
void ewl_widget_cb_reparent (Ewl_Widget *w, void *ev_data, void *user_data)
void ewl_widget_cb_reveal (Ewl_Widget *w, void *ev_data, void *user_data)
void ewl_widget_cb_show (Ewl_Widget *w, void *ev_data, void *user_data)
void ewl_widget_cb_unrealize (Ewl_Widget *w, void *ev_data, void *user_data)
void ewl_widget_color_get (Ewl_Widget *w, unsigned int *r, unsigned int *g, unsigned int *b, unsigned int *a)
 Gets the colour settings of the widget.
void ewl_widget_color_set (Ewl_Widget *w, unsigned int r, unsigned int g, unsigned int b, unsigned int a)
 sets the colour of the widget
void ewl_widget_configure (Ewl_Widget *widget)
 Initiate configuring of the specified widget.
void ewl_widget_custom_state_set (Ewl_Widget *w, const char *cst, Ewl_Durability dur)
 Update the appearance of the widget to a state.
void * ewl_widget_data_del (Ewl_Widget *w, void *k)
 Remove the specified key / value pair from the widget and return the value.
void * ewl_widget_data_get (Ewl_Widget *w, void *k)
 retrieve the specified key / value pair from the widget
void ewl_widget_data_set (Ewl_Widget *w, void *k, void *v)
 Attach the specified key / value pair to the widget.
void ewl_widget_destroy (Ewl_Widget *widget)
 Destroy the specified widget.
void ewl_widget_disable (Ewl_Widget *w)
 Prevent a widget from receiving any events.
void ewl_widget_enable (Ewl_Widget *w)
 Re-enable a disabled widget.
void ewl_widget_flags_add (Ewl_Widget *o, unsigned int flags, unsigned int mask)
 Add the set of flags specified in flags to w.
void ewl_widget_flags_remove (Ewl_Widget *o, unsigned int flags, unsigned int mask)
 Removes the set of state flags specified in flags from w.
void ewl_widget_focus_send (Ewl_Widget *w)
 Changes the keyboard focus to the widget w.
unsigned int ewl_widget_focusable_get (Ewl_Widget *w)
 Checks the focusable state of the widget.
void ewl_widget_focusable_set (Ewl_Widget *w, unsigned int val)
 Set if the given widget is focusable or not.
Ewl_Widgetewl_widget_focused_get (void)
 Retrieve the currently focused widget.
void ewl_widget_free (Ewl_Widget *w)
void ewl_widget_hide (Ewl_Widget *widget)
 Mark a widget as invisible.
unsigned int ewl_widget_ignore_focus_change_get (Ewl_Widget *w)
 Get if the widget is ignoring focus changes.
void ewl_widget_ignore_focus_change_set (Ewl_Widget *w, unsigned int val)
 Set if the widget should ignore focus changes.
void ewl_widget_inherit (Ewl_Widget *widget, const char *type)
 Appends the given inheritance to this widgets inheritance string.
void ewl_widget_inherited_state_add (Ewl_Widget *w, Ewl_State state)
unsigned int ewl_widget_inherited_state_has (Ewl_Widget *w, Ewl_State state)
void ewl_widget_inherited_state_remove (Ewl_Widget *w, Ewl_State state)
int ewl_widget_init (Ewl_Widget *w)
 Initialize a widget to default values and callbacks.
unsigned int ewl_widget_internal_is (Ewl_Widget *w)
void ewl_widget_internal_set (Ewl_Widget *w, unsigned int val)
int ewl_widget_layer_priority_get (Ewl_Widget *w)
 Retrieve a widgets layer relative to it's parent.
void ewl_widget_layer_priority_set (Ewl_Widget *w, int layer)
 Set the relative layer to it's parent.
int ewl_widget_layer_top_get (Ewl_Widget *w)
 Returns if the widget will be drawn above all the others.
void ewl_widget_layer_top_set (Ewl_Widget *w, int top)
 set the widget to be layered above all other widgets
Ewl_Widgetewl_widget_name_find (const char *name)
 Find a widget identified by a name.
const char * ewl_widget_name_get (Ewl_Widget *w)
 Get the name for the specified widget.
void ewl_widget_name_set (Ewl_Widget *w, const char *name)
 Name the specified widget.
Ewl_Widgetewl_widget_new (void)
 Allocate a new widget.
void ewl_widget_obscure (Ewl_Widget *w)
 Indicate a widget is obscured.
unsigned int ewl_widget_onscreen_is (Ewl_Widget *widget)
 Checks if the given widget is currently on screen.
Ewl_Widgetewl_widget_parent_get (Ewl_Widget *w)
 Retrieves the parent of the given widget.
int ewl_widget_parent_of (Ewl_Widget *c, Ewl_Widget *w)
 Determine if a widget is a parent of another widget.
void ewl_widget_parent_set (Ewl_Widget *w, Ewl_Widget *p)
 change the parent of the specified widget
void ewl_widget_print (Ewl_Widget *w)
 Prints info for debugging a widget's state information.
void ewl_widget_print_verbose (Ewl_Widget *w)
 Prints verbose info for debugging a widget's state information.
void ewl_widget_realize (Ewl_Widget *widget)
 Realize the specified widget.
void ewl_widget_realize_force (Ewl_Widget *widget)
 Forces a widget to be realized (in normal use use ewl_widget_realize). Used to immediately generate the widget sizing values.
void ewl_widget_reparent (Ewl_Widget *widget)
 initiate reparent of the specified widget
void ewl_widget_reveal (Ewl_Widget *w)
 Indicate a widget is revealed.
void ewl_widget_show (Ewl_Widget *widget)
 mark a widget as visible
void ewl_widget_state_add (Ewl_Widget *w, Ewl_State state)
unsigned int ewl_widget_state_has (Ewl_Widget *w, Ewl_State state)
void ewl_widget_state_remove (Ewl_Widget *w, Ewl_State state)
void ewl_widget_tab_order_append (Ewl_Widget *w)
 Changes the order in the embed so w receives focus first on tab.
void ewl_widget_tab_order_insert (Ewl_Widget *w, unsigned int idx)
 Changes the order in the embed so w receives focus first on tab.
void ewl_widget_tab_order_insert_after (Ewl_Widget *w, Ewl_Widget *after)
 Insert the given widget into the tab order after the after widget.
void ewl_widget_tab_order_insert_before (Ewl_Widget *w, Ewl_Widget *before)
 Inserts the widget into the tab order before the before widget.
void ewl_widget_tab_order_prepend (Ewl_Widget *w)
 Changes the order in the embed so w receives focus first on tab.
void ewl_widget_tab_order_remove (Ewl_Widget *w)
 Remove the widget from the tab order.
void ewl_widget_theme_path_set (Ewl_Widget *w, const char *path)
 Change the path of the specified widget.
void ewl_widget_tree_print (Ewl_Widget *w)
 Prints to stdout the tree of widgets that are parents of a widget.
unsigned int ewl_widget_type_is (Ewl_Widget *widget, const char *type)
 Determine if the widget w has inherited from the type t.
unsigned int ewl_widget_unmanaged_is (Ewl_Widget *w)
void ewl_widget_unmanaged_set (Ewl_Widget *w, unsigned int val)
void ewl_widget_unrealize (Ewl_Widget *w)
 Unrealize the specified widget.

Define Documentation

#define CONFIGURED (  ) 


Used to determine if a widget is scheduled for configure

#define DESTROYED (  ) 

#define DISABLED (  )     (ewl_widget_applied_state_has(EWL_WIDGET(o), EWL_STATE_DISABLED))

Used to determine if a widget is disabled

#define EWL_PAIR (  )     ((Ewl_Pair *)p)

Typedcasts a pointer to an Ewl_Pair pointer

#define EWL_WIDGET ( widget   )     ((Ewl_Widget *) widget)

Typecast a pointer to an Ewl_Widget pointer.

#define ewl_widget_flags_get ( o,
mask   )     (EWL_WIDGET(o)->flags & mask)

Retrieves the current setting of the widget flags for o.

o,: the parameter to retrieve the current value of widget flags
mask,: get only the flags specified in mask
Returns the current setting of the widget flags for o.

#define ewl_widget_flags_has ( o,
mask   )     (!!(EWL_WIDGET(o)->flags & ((check_flags) & mask)))

Determines if widget has the requested flags set.

o,: the widget to check for a specified flags
check_flags,: the bitmask of flags to check on the widget
mask,: get only the flags specified in mask
Returns TRUE if any of the specified flags are set, FALSE otherwise.

#define ewl_widget_flags_has_all ( o,
mask   )     ((EWL_WIDGET(o)->flags & ((check_flags) & mask)) == ((check_flags) & mask))

Determines if widget has all of the requested flags set.

o,: the widget to check for a specified flags
check_flags,: the bitmask of flags to check on the widget
mask,: get only the flags specified in mask
Returns TRUE if the specified flags are set, FALSE otherwise.

#define ewl_widget_in_tab_list_get (  )     (ewl_widget_flags_get(o, EWL_FLAG_PROPERTY_IN_TAB_LIST))

Retrieves the current setting of the in tab list flag for o.

o,: the parameter to retrieve the current value of the in tab list flag
Returns the current setting of the in tab list flag for o.

#define ewl_widget_in_tab_list_set ( o,
val   ) 


Changes the tab list flag value to match val.

o,: the widget to change the in tab list
val,: a boolean indicating the value of the tab list flag
Returns no value.

#define EWL_WIDGET_IS (  )     (ewl_widget_type_is(EWL_WIDGET(w), EWL_WIDGET_TYPE))

Returns TRUE if the widget is an Ewl_Widget, FALSE otherwise

#define ewl_widget_queued_add ( o,
queued   )     ewl_widget_flags_add(o, queued, EWL_FLAGS_QUEUED_MASK)

o,: The widget to work with
queued,: Add the given queue flag to the widget Adds the given queue flag queued to the widget o

#define ewl_widget_queued_get ( o,
queued   )     ewl_widget_flags_get(o, queued, EWL_FLAGS_QUEUED_MASK)

Retrieve the value for the queued queue flag

#define ewl_widget_queued_has ( o,
queued   )     ewl_widget_flags_has(o, queued, EWL_FLAGS_QUEUED_MASK)

Determine if the o widget has the queued flag set

#define ewl_widget_queued_remove ( o,
queued   )     ewl_widget_flags_remove(o, queued, EWL_FLAGS_QUEUED_MASK)

Remove the queued flag from the o widget

#define ewl_widget_recursive_get (  )     (ewl_widget_flags_get(o, EWL_FLAG_PROPERTY_RECURSIVE))

Retrieves the current setting of the recursive flag for o.

o,: the parameter to retrieve the current value of recursive flag
Returns the current setting of the recursive flag for o.

#define ewl_widget_recursive_set ( o,
val   ) 


Changes the recursive flag value to match val.

o,: the widget to change the recursive flag
val,: a boolean indicating the value of the recursive flag
Returns no value.

#define ewl_widget_toplevel_get (  )     (ewl_widget_flags_get(o, EWL_FLAG_PROPERTY_TOPLEVEL))

Retrieves the current setting of the top level flag for o.

o,: the parameter to retrieve the current value of top level flag
Returns the current setting of the top level flag for o.

#define ewl_widget_toplevel_set ( o,
val   ) 


Changes the top level flag value to match val.

o,: the widget to change the top level flag
val,: a boolean indicating the value of the top level flag
Returns no value.

#define EWL_WIDGET_TYPE   "widget"

The type name for the Ewl_Widget widget

#define ewl_widget_visible_add ( o,
visible   )     ewl_widget_flags_add(o, visible, EWL_FLAGS_VISIBLE_MASK)

Add the visible flag to the widget o

#define ewl_widget_visible_get ( o,
visible   )     ewl_widget_flags_get(o, visible, EWL_FLAGS_VISIBLE_MASK)

Retrieves the visble flag from the widget o

#define ewl_widget_visible_has ( o,
visible   )     ewl_widget_flags_has(o, visible, EWL_FLAGS_VISIBLE_MASK)

Check if the visible flag is set in the widget o

#define ewl_widget_visible_remove ( o,
visible   )     ewl_widget_flags_remove(o, visible, EWL_FLAGS_VISIBLE_MASK)

Remove the visible flag from the widget o

#define HIDDEN (  )     (!(EWL_WIDGET(o)->flags & EWL_FLAG_VISIBLE_SHOWN))

Used to determine if a widget is hidden.


Used to test if a widget has been realized.


Used to test if a widget is recursive, aka. an Ewl_Container


Used to determine if a widget is marked as revealed.



#define VISIBLE (  )     (EWL_WIDGET(o)->flags & EWL_FLAG_VISIBLE_SHOWN)

Used to test if a widget is visible.

Typedef Documentation

The attachment list

Callback chain contains a list and bitmask of chain properties.

typedef struct Ewl_Color_Set Ewl_Color_Set

A set of colours

typedef struct Ewl_Pair Ewl_Pair

A key/value pair set

typedef struct Ewl_Pair_List Ewl_Pair_List

A list of key value pairs

typedef struct Ewl_Widget Ewl_Widget

The class that all widgets should inherit. Provides reference to a parent widget/container, callbacks, and appearance information.

Function Documentation

const char* ewl_widget_appearance_get ( Ewl_Widget w  ) 

Retrieve the appearance key of the widget.

w,: the widget to retrieve the appearance key
Returns a pointer to the appearance key string on success, NULL on failure.

const char* ewl_widget_appearance_part_text_get ( Ewl_Widget w,
const char *  part 

Retrieve a copy of a parts current text.

w,: the widget whose text to retrieve
part,: the theme part name whose text to retrieve
Returns NULL on failure, a copy of the current text on success.
Get the text of a given Edje-define TEXT part. This is for widgets whose Edje appearance defines TEXT parts, and enables each of those text parts to be retrieved independently.

The returned string will only be valid until the next time text is set on this part.

void ewl_widget_appearance_part_text_set ( Ewl_Widget w,
const char *  part,
const char *  text 

Change the text of the given theme part of a widget.

w,: the widget whose text to change
part,: the theme part name whose text to change
text,: the new text to change to
Returns no value.
Changes the text of a given Edje-define TEXT part. This is for widgets whose Edje appearance defines TEXT parts, and enables each of those text parts to be changed independently. The text value is recorded in a hash and reapplied if the theme is reloaded for this widget.

int ewl_widget_appearance_path_copy ( Ewl_Widget w,
char *  buf,
int  size 

char* ewl_widget_appearance_path_get ( Ewl_Widget w  ) 

Retrieve the appearance path key of the widget.

w,: the widget to retrieve the full appearance key
Returns a pointer to the full appearance path string on success, NULL on failure.

int ewl_widget_appearance_path_size_get ( Ewl_Widget w  ) 

void ewl_widget_appearance_set ( Ewl_Widget w,
const char *  appearance 

Change the appearance of the specified widget.

w,: the widget to change the appearance
appearance,: the new key for the widgets appearance
Returns no value.
Changes the key associated with the widgets appearance and calls the theme update callback to initiate the change.

const char* ewl_widget_appearance_text_get ( Ewl_Widget w  ) 

Retrieve the text of the given theme part of a widget.

w,: the widget whose text to retrieve
Returns the current text on success, NULL on failure.
The returned value will only be valid until the next time ewl_widget_appearance_text_set() is called on this widget.

void ewl_widget_appearance_text_set ( Ewl_Widget w,
const char *  text 

Change the text of the given theme part of a widget.

w,: the widget whose text to change
text,: the new text to change to
Returns no value.
Changes the text of an Edje-define TEXT part. This is for widgets whose Edje appearance defines a TEXT part, and identifies it with with a data item called "/WIDGET/textpart". The text value is recorded in a hash and reapplied if the theme is reloaded for this widget.

unsigned int ewl_widget_applied_state_has ( Ewl_Widget w,
Ewl_State  state 

void ewl_widget_cb_configure ( Ewl_Widget w,
void *  ev_data,
void *  user_data 

void ewl_widget_cb_hide ( Ewl_Widget w,
void *  ev_data,
void *  user_data 

void ewl_widget_cb_mouse_down ( Ewl_Widget w,
void *  ev_data,
void *  user_data 

void ewl_widget_cb_mouse_move ( Ewl_Widget w,
void *  ev_data,
void *  user_data 

void ewl_widget_cb_mouse_up ( Ewl_Widget w,
void *  ev_data,
void *  user_data 

void ewl_widget_cb_obscure ( Ewl_Widget w,
void *  ev_data,
void *  user_data 

void ewl_widget_cb_realize ( Ewl_Widget w,
void *  ev_data,
void *  user_data 

void ewl_widget_cb_reparent ( Ewl_Widget w,
void *  ev_data,
void *  user_data 

void ewl_widget_cb_reveal ( Ewl_Widget w,
void *  ev_data,
void *  user_data 

void ewl_widget_cb_show ( Ewl_Widget w,
void *  ev_data,
void *  user_data 

void ewl_widget_cb_unrealize ( Ewl_Widget w,
void *  ev_data,
void *  user_data 

void ewl_widget_color_get ( Ewl_Widget w,
unsigned int *  r,
unsigned int *  g,
unsigned int *  b,
unsigned int *  a 

Gets the colour settings of the widget.

w,: The widget to get the colour from
r,: Where to put the red value
g,: Where to put the green value
b,: Where to put the blue value
a,: Where to put the alpha value
Returns no value

void ewl_widget_color_set ( Ewl_Widget w,
unsigned int  r,
unsigned int  g,
unsigned int  b,
unsigned int  a 

sets the colour of the widget

w,: The widget to set the color of
r,: The red value
g,: The green value
b,: The blue value
a,: The alpha value
Returns no value

void ewl_widget_configure ( Ewl_Widget w  ) 

Initiate configuring of the specified widget.

w,: the widget to configure
Returns no value.
The configure callback is triggered for the specified widget, this should adjust the widgets size and position.

void ewl_widget_custom_state_set ( Ewl_Widget w,
const char *  state,
Ewl_Durability  flag 

Update the appearance of the widget to a state.

w,: the widget to update the appearance
state,: the new state of the widget
flag,: the flag for the state e.g. EWL_TRANSIENT
Returns no value.
Changes the appearance of the widget depending on the state string passed by the state parameter.

void* ewl_widget_data_del ( Ewl_Widget w,
void *  k 

Remove the specified key / value pair from the widget and return the value.

w,: the widget that owns the key value pair
k,: the key that is associated with the data
Returns the deleted value.
Removes a key / value pair with k as the key from the specified widget w and return the value. NULL is returned if there is no stored data or if an error occurs.

void* ewl_widget_data_get ( Ewl_Widget w,
void *  k 

retrieve the specified key / value pair from the widget

w,: the widget that owns the key value pair
k,: the key that is associated with the data
Returns the value associated with k on success, NULL on failure.
Retrieves a key / value pair with k as the key from the specified widget w.

void ewl_widget_data_set ( Ewl_Widget w,
void *  k,
void *  v 

Attach the specified key / value pair to the widget.

w,: the widget to own the key value pair
k,: the key that is associated with the data
v,: the data that is to be tracked
Returns no value.
Assigns a key / value pair with k as the key and v as the value to the specified widget w.

void ewl_widget_destroy ( Ewl_Widget w  ) 

Destroy the specified widget.

w,: the widget to be destroyed
Returns no value.
The widget calls it's destroy callback to do any clean up necessary and then free's the widget.

void ewl_widget_disable ( Ewl_Widget w  ) 

Prevent a widget from receiving any events.

w,: the widget to disable
Returns no value. Disables a specified widget.
This prevents that widget from receiving any user input events.

void ewl_widget_enable ( Ewl_Widget w  ) 

Re-enable a disabled widget.

w,: the widget to re-enable
Returns no value.
Re-enables a previously disabled widget.

void ewl_widget_flags_add ( Ewl_Widget w,
unsigned int  flags,
unsigned int  mask 

Add the set of flags specified in flags to w.

w,: the widget to set the specified widget flags
flags,: a bitmask of new flags to be set in the widget
mask,: a bitmask limiting added flags to a certain set
Returns no value.

void ewl_widget_flags_remove ( Ewl_Widget w,
unsigned int  flags,
unsigned int  mask 

Removes the set of state flags specified in flags from w.

w,: the widget to remove specified state flags
flags,: a bitmask of flags to be removed from the widget
mask,: a bitmask limiting removed flags to a certain set
Returns no value.

void ewl_widget_focus_send ( Ewl_Widget w  ) 

Changes the keyboard focus to the widget w.

w,: the widget to receive keyboard focus
Returns no value.
This function will send the keyboard focus to the given widget.

Since the focus handling is done by the embed, this function will only work proper if the widget has already an embed (in most cases a window) as an (indirect) parent.

unsigned int ewl_widget_focusable_get ( Ewl_Widget w  ) 

Checks the focusable state of the widget.

w,: The widget to get the focusable state from
Returns TRUE if the widget is focusable, FALSE otherwise

void ewl_widget_focusable_set ( Ewl_Widget w,
unsigned int  val 

Set if the given widget is focusable or not.

w,: The widget to set the focusable values
val,: The focusable value to set
Returns no value

Ewl_Widget* ewl_widget_focused_get ( void   ) 

Retrieve the currently focused widget.

Returns the currnetly focused widget.

void ewl_widget_free ( Ewl_Widget w  ) 

void ewl_widget_hide ( Ewl_Widget w  ) 

Mark a widget as invisible.

w,: the widget to be marked as invisible
Returns no value.
Marks the widget as invisible so that it will not be displayed the next time through the rendering loop.

unsigned int ewl_widget_ignore_focus_change_get ( Ewl_Widget w  ) 

Get if the widget is ignoring focus changes.

w,: The widget to check if it blocks tab focus
Returns TRUE if the widget blocks tab focus, FALSE otherwise.

void ewl_widget_ignore_focus_change_set ( Ewl_Widget w,
unsigned int  val 

Set if the widget should ignore focus changes.

w,: The widget to set if it accepts or blocks focus changes
val,: TRUE or FALSE on if this widget blocks tabbing off
Returns no value.

void ewl_widget_inherit ( Ewl_Widget widget,
const char *  inherit 

Appends the given inheritance to this widgets inheritance string.

widget,: the widget to set the inheritance on
inherit,: the string to append to the inheritance
Returns no value.

void ewl_widget_inherited_state_add ( Ewl_Widget w,
Ewl_State  state 

unsigned int ewl_widget_inherited_state_has ( Ewl_Widget w,
Ewl_State  state 

void ewl_widget_inherited_state_remove ( Ewl_Widget w,
Ewl_State  state 

int ewl_widget_init ( Ewl_Widget w  ) 

Initialize a widget to default values and callbacks.

w,: the widget to initialize
Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
The widget w is initialized to default values and is assigned the default callbacks.

unsigned int ewl_widget_internal_is ( Ewl_Widget w  ) 

void ewl_widget_internal_set ( Ewl_Widget w,
unsigned int  val 

int ewl_widget_layer_priority_get ( Ewl_Widget w  ) 

Retrieve a widgets layer relative to it's parent.

w,: the widget to retrieve current relative layer
Returns a widgets current layer relative to it's parent.

void ewl_widget_layer_priority_set ( Ewl_Widget w,
int  layer 

Set the relative layer to it's parent.

w,: the widget to change relative layers
layer,: the new relative layer of the widget
Returns no value.
Changes the current layer of w relative to it's parent. The default value is 0.

int ewl_widget_layer_top_get ( Ewl_Widget w  ) 

Returns if the widget will be drawn above all the others.

w,: the widget to get the top value
Returns TRUE or FALSE

void ewl_widget_layer_top_set ( Ewl_Widget w,
int  top 

set the widget to be layered above all other widgets

w,: the widget to set the top value
top,: TRUE or FALSE
Returns no value.
This set the widget to be layered above all other widgets.

Ewl_Widget* ewl_widget_name_find ( const char *  name  ) 

Find a widget identified by a name.

name,: the name of the widget to retrieve
Returns an pointer a matched widget on success.

const char* ewl_widget_name_get ( Ewl_Widget w  ) 

Get the name for the specified widget.

w,: the widget to retrieve the name
Returns an pointer to an allocated name string on success.

void ewl_widget_name_set ( Ewl_Widget w,
const char *  name 

Name the specified widget.

w,: the widget to name
name,: the new name for the widget
Returns no value.

Ewl_Widget* ewl_widget_new ( void   ) 

Allocate a new widget.

Returns a newly allocated widget on success, NULL on failure.
Do not use this function unless you know what you are doing! It is only intended to easily create custom widgets that are not containers.

void ewl_widget_obscure ( Ewl_Widget w  ) 

Indicate a widget is obscured.

w,: the widget to mark as obscured
Returns no value.

unsigned int ewl_widget_onscreen_is ( Ewl_Widget w  ) 

Checks if the given widget is currently on screen.

w,: The widget to check
Returns TRUE if the widget is onscreen

Ewl_Widget* ewl_widget_parent_get ( Ewl_Widget w  ) 

Retrieves the parent of the given widget.

w,: The widget to get the parent from
Returns the parent of the given widget, or NULL if none set

int ewl_widget_parent_of ( Ewl_Widget c,
Ewl_Widget w 

Determine if a widget is a parent of another widget.

c,: the widget to compare against
w,: the widget to check parentage
Returns TRUE if c is a parent of w, otherwise returns FALSE.

void ewl_widget_parent_set ( Ewl_Widget w,
Ewl_Widget p 

change the parent of the specified widget

w,: the widget to change the parent
p,: the new parent of the widget
Returns no value.
Changes the parent of the widget w, to the container p. The reparent callback is triggered to notify children of w of the change in parent.

void ewl_widget_print ( Ewl_Widget w  ) 

Prints info for debugging a widget's state information.

w,: the widget to print info
Returns no value.

void ewl_widget_print_verbose ( Ewl_Widget w  ) 

Prints verbose info for debugging a widget's state information.

w,: the widget to print verbose info
Returns no value.

void ewl_widget_realize ( Ewl_Widget w  ) 

Realize the specified widget.

w,: The widget to realize
Returns no value.
The specified widget is realized, ie. actually displayed to the screen.

void ewl_widget_realize_force ( Ewl_Widget w  ) 

Forces a widget to be realized (in normal use use ewl_widget_realize). Used to immediately generate the widget sizing values.

w,: The widget to realize
Returns no value.

void ewl_widget_reparent ( Ewl_Widget w  ) 

initiate reparent of the specified widget

w,: the widget to reparent
Returns no value.
The reparent callback is triggered for the specified widget, this should adjust the widgets attributes based on the new parent.

void ewl_widget_reveal ( Ewl_Widget w  ) 

Indicate a widget is revealed.

w,: the widget to mark as revealed
Returns no value.

void ewl_widget_show ( Ewl_Widget w  ) 

mark a widget as visible

w,: the widget to be marked as visible
Returns no value.
Marks the widget as visible so that it will be displayed the next time through the rendering loop. Note that the show callback may be delayed until the widget has been realized.

void ewl_widget_state_add ( Ewl_Widget w,
Ewl_State  state 

unsigned int ewl_widget_state_has ( Ewl_Widget w,
Ewl_State  state 

void ewl_widget_state_remove ( Ewl_Widget w,
Ewl_State  state 

void ewl_widget_tab_order_append ( Ewl_Widget w  ) 

Changes the order in the embed so w receives focus first on tab.

w,: the widget to be moved to the front of the focus list
Returns no value.
This moves the widget w to the end of the tab order list in the embed that holds it.

void ewl_widget_tab_order_insert ( Ewl_Widget w,
unsigned int  idx 

Changes the order in the embed so w receives focus first on tab.

w,: the widget to be moved to the front of the focus list
idx,: The index to insert the tab into
Returns no value.
This moves the widget w to the given index in the tab order list in the embed that holds it.

void ewl_widget_tab_order_insert_after ( Ewl_Widget w,
Ewl_Widget after 

Insert the given widget into the tab order after the after widget.

w,: The widget to insert into the tab order
after,: The widget to insert after
Returns no value.

void ewl_widget_tab_order_insert_before ( Ewl_Widget w,
Ewl_Widget before 

Inserts the widget into the tab order before the before widget.

w,: The widget to be inserted into the tab order
before,: The widget we are to be inserted before
Returns no value.

void ewl_widget_tab_order_prepend ( Ewl_Widget w  ) 

Changes the order in the embed so w receives focus first on tab.

w,: the widget to be moved to the front of the focus list
Returns no value.
This moves the widget w to the front of the tab order list in the embed that holds it.

void ewl_widget_tab_order_remove ( Ewl_Widget w  ) 

Remove the widget from the tab order.

w,: The widget to remove from the tab order
Returns no value.

void ewl_widget_theme_path_set ( Ewl_Widget w,
const char *  path 

Change the path of the specified widget.

w,: the widget to change the theme path
path,: the new path to find the theme file for the widget's appearance
Returns no value.
Sets and applies the theme path for the given widget. This will also change the theme of possible children. If the path is NULL, the default path will be used instead.

void ewl_widget_tree_print ( Ewl_Widget w  ) 

Prints to stdout the tree of widgets that are parents of a widget.

w,: the widget to display ancestry tree
Returns no value.

unsigned int ewl_widget_type_is ( Ewl_Widget widget,
const char *  type 

Determine if the widget w has inherited from the type t.

widget,: the widget to determine if a type is inherited
type,: the type to check for inheritance in the widget
Returns TRUE if w inherited the type t, otherwise FALSE.

unsigned int ewl_widget_unmanaged_is ( Ewl_Widget w  ) 

void ewl_widget_unmanaged_set ( Ewl_Widget w,
unsigned int  val 

void ewl_widget_unrealize ( Ewl_Widget w  ) 

Unrealize the specified widget.

w,: The widget to unrealize
Returns no value.
The specified widget is unrealized, ie. no longer displayed to the screen.

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Enlightened Widget Library Documentation Generated: Sun Sep 27 01:49:48 2009