

Ewl_Container: Widgets Holding Other Widgets

Detailed Description

Define the Ewl_Container class which inherits from Ewl_Widget and adds the ability to nest Ewl_Widget's inside.

Inherits from Ewl_Widget.


Data Structures

struct  Ewl_Container
 Inherits from the Ewl_Widget and expands to allow for placing child widgets within the available space. Also adds notifiers for various child events. More...


#define EWL_CONTAINER(widget)   ((Ewl_Container *) widget)
 Typecast a poiner to an Ewl_Container pointer.
#define EWL_CONTAINER_IS(w)   (ewl_widget_type_is(EWL_WIDGET(w), EWL_CONTAINER_TYPE))
#define EWL_CONTAINER_TYPE   "container"


typedef void(*) Ewl_Child_Add (Ewl_Container *c, Ewl_Widget *w)
typedef void(*) Ewl_Child_Hide (Ewl_Container *c, Ewl_Widget *w)
typedef void(*) Ewl_Child_Remove (Ewl_Container *c, Ewl_Widget *w, int idx)
typedef void(*) Ewl_Child_Resize (Ewl_Container *c, Ewl_Widget *w, int size, Ewl_Orientation o)
typedef void(*) Ewl_Child_Show (Ewl_Container *c, Ewl_Widget *w)
typedef Ewl_Container Ewl_Container
typedef Ewl_Widget *(*) Ewl_Container_Iterator (Ewl_Container *c)


void ewl_container_add_notify_set (Ewl_Container *container, Ewl_Child_Add add)
 Set the function to be called when adding children.
void ewl_container_callback_intercept (Ewl_Container *c, unsigned int t)
 Receive a callback in place of children.
void ewl_container_callback_nointercept (Ewl_Container *c, unsigned int t)
 Remove a callback interception from children.
void ewl_container_callback_nonotify (Ewl_Container *c, unsigned int t)
 receive a callback of a child
void ewl_container_callback_notify (Ewl_Container *c, unsigned int t)
 receive a callback of a child
void ewl_container_cb_configure (Ewl_Widget *w, void *ev_data, void *user_data)
void ewl_container_cb_container_focus_out (Ewl_Widget *w, void *ev_data, void *user_data)
void ewl_container_cb_obscure (Ewl_Widget *w, void *ev_data, void *user_data)
void ewl_container_cb_realize (Ewl_Widget *w, void *ev_data, void *user_data)
void ewl_container_cb_reparent (Ewl_Widget *w, void *ev_data, void *user_data)
void ewl_container_cb_state_change (Ewl_Widget *w, void *ev_data, void *user_data)
void ewl_container_cb_unrealize (Ewl_Widget *w, void *ev_data, void *user_data)
void ewl_container_child_add_call (Ewl_Container *c, Ewl_Widget *w)
 Triggers the child_add callback for the container c.
void ewl_container_child_append (Ewl_Container *parent, Ewl_Widget *child)
 Add a child at the end of the container.
Ewl_Widgetewl_container_child_at_get (Ewl_Container *widget, int x, int y)
 Find the child at the given coordinates.
Ewl_Widgetewl_container_child_at_recursive_get (Ewl_Container *widget, int x, int y)
 Find child that intersects coordinates.
int ewl_container_child_count_get (Ewl_Container *c)
 Returns the number of child widgets in the container.
int ewl_container_child_count_internal_get (Ewl_Container *c)
 Returns the number of child widgets in the container.
int ewl_container_child_count_visible_get (Ewl_Container *c)
 Returns the number of visible child widgets in the container.
Ewl_Widgetewl_container_child_get (Ewl_Container *parent, int index)
 Retrieve the child at the given index in the container.
void ewl_container_child_hide_call (Ewl_Container *c, Ewl_Widget *w)
 Triggers the child_hide callback for the container c.
int ewl_container_child_index_get (Ewl_Container *parent, Ewl_Widget *child)
 Retrieves the index of the given child in the container or -1 if not found.
int ewl_container_child_index_internal_get (Ewl_Container *parent, Ewl_Widget *child)
 Retrieves the index of the given child in the container taking internal widgets into account or -1 if not found.
void ewl_container_child_insert (Ewl_Container *parent, Ewl_Widget *child, int index)
 Add a child at an index of the container.
void ewl_container_child_insert_internal (Ewl_Container *parent, Ewl_Widget *child, int index)
 Add a child at an index of the container.
Ewl_Widgetewl_container_child_internal_get (Ewl_Container *parent, int index)
 Retrieves the child at the given index in the container taking internal widgets into account.
void ewl_container_child_iterate_begin (Ewl_Container *c)
 Prepare the container to iterate over it's children.
void ewl_container_child_iterator_set (Ewl_Container *c, Ewl_Container_Iterator i)
 Changes the iterator function for a container.
Ewl_Widgetewl_container_child_next (Ewl_Container *c)
 Retrieve the next elligible child in a container.
void ewl_container_child_prepend (Ewl_Container *parent, Ewl_Widget *child)
 Add a child at the beginning of the container.
void ewl_container_child_remove (Ewl_Container *parent, Ewl_Widget *child)
 Remove the specified child from the container.
void ewl_container_child_remove_call (Ewl_Container *c, Ewl_Widget *w, int idx)
 Triggers the child_remove callback for the container c.
void ewl_container_child_resize (Ewl_Widget *w, int size, Ewl_Orientation o)
 Notify a container of a child pref size change.
void ewl_container_child_show_call (Ewl_Container *c, Ewl_Widget *w)
 Triggers the child_show callback for the container c.
void ewl_container_children_show (Ewl_Container *c)
 A convenience function to recursively show the children of a container.
void ewl_container_destroy (Ewl_Container *c)
 Destroy all the sub-children of the container.
Ewl_Containerewl_container_end_redirect_get (Ewl_Container *c)
 Searches for the last redirected container of the container.
void ewl_container_hide_notify_set (Ewl_Container *container, Ewl_Child_Hide show)
 Set the function to be called when hideing children.
int ewl_container_init (Ewl_Container *container)
 Initialize a containers default fields and callbacks.
void ewl_container_largest_prefer (Ewl_Container *c, Ewl_Orientation o)
 Set preferred size to widest child.
Ewl_Widgetewl_container_new (void)
 Allocate a new container.
Ewl_Containerewl_container_redirect_get (Ewl_Container *c)
 Retrieves for the redirected container of the container.
void ewl_container_redirect_set (Ewl_Container *c, Ewl_Container *rc)
 Changes the redirected container of the container.
void ewl_container_remove_notify_set (Ewl_Container *container, Ewl_Child_Remove remove)
 Set the function to be called when removing children.
void ewl_container_reset (Ewl_Container *c)
 Destroy all children of the container.
void ewl_container_resize_notify_set (Ewl_Container *container, Ewl_Child_Resize resize)
 Set function to be called when children resize.
void ewl_container_show_notify_set (Ewl_Container *container, Ewl_Child_Show show)
 Set the function to be called when showing children.
void ewl_container_sum_prefer (Ewl_Container *c, Ewl_Orientation o)
 Set the sum orientation of the container.

Define Documentation

#define EWL_CONTAINER ( widget   )     ((Ewl_Container *) widget)

Typecast a poiner to an Ewl_Container pointer.

#define EWL_CONTAINER_IS (  )     (ewl_widget_type_is(EWL_WIDGET(w), EWL_CONTAINER_TYPE))

Returns TRUE if the widget is an Ewl_Container, FALSE otherwise

#define EWL_CONTAINER_TYPE   "container"

The type name for the Ewl_Container widget

Typedef Documentation

typedef void(*) Ewl_Child_Add(Ewl_Container *c, Ewl_Widget *w)

A typedef to shorten the definition of the child_add callbacks. This callback is container specific and is triggered when an Ewl_Widget is added to the Ewl_Container.

typedef void(*) Ewl_Child_Hide(Ewl_Container *c, Ewl_Widget *w)

A typedef to shorten the definition of the child_hide callbacks. This callback is container specific and is triggered when an Ewl_Widget is hidden from the Ewl_Container.

typedef void(*) Ewl_Child_Remove(Ewl_Container *c, Ewl_Widget *w, int idx)

A typedef to shorten the definition of the child_remove callbacks. This callback is container specific and is triggered when an Ewl_Widget is removed from the Ewl_Container.

typedef void(*) Ewl_Child_Resize(Ewl_Container *c, Ewl_Widget *w, int size, Ewl_Orientation o)

A typedef to shorten the definition of the child_resize callbacks. This callback is container specific and is triggered when an Ewl_Widget is resized in the Ewl_Container.

typedef void(*) Ewl_Child_Show(Ewl_Container *c, Ewl_Widget *w)

A typedef to shorten the definition of the child_show callbacks. This callback is container specific and is triggered when an Ewl_Widget is shown to the Ewl_Container.

typedef struct Ewl_Container Ewl_Container

This class inherits from Ewl_Widget and provides the capabilities necessary for nesting other widgets inside.

A typedef to shorten the definition of the child iterator callbacks. This callback is container specific and is usually set in the container's init function. This is used to pick the next child in the list of children for the container.

Function Documentation

void ewl_container_add_notify_set ( Ewl_Container container,
Ewl_Child_Add  add 

Set the function to be called when adding children.

container,: the container to change the add notifier
add,: the new add notifier for the container
Returns no value.
Changes the add notifier function of container to add.

void ewl_container_callback_intercept ( Ewl_Container c,
unsigned int  t 

Receive a callback in place of children.

c,: the container to intercept the callback
t,: the type of callback to intercept
Returns no value.
Marks the callbacks of type t that are directed to children to be triggered on the container c, and not propagated to the receiving child.

void ewl_container_callback_nointercept ( Ewl_Container c,
unsigned int  t 

Remove a callback interception from children.

c,: the container to remove the interception
t,: the type of callback to not intercept
Returns no value.
Marks the callbacks of type t that are directed to children to be propagated to the receiving child.

void ewl_container_callback_nonotify ( Ewl_Container c,
unsigned int  t 

receive a callback of a child

c,: the container to not notify the callback
t,: the type of callback to not notify
Returns no value.
Removes the notification flag set with ewl_container_callback_notify()

void ewl_container_callback_notify ( Ewl_Container c,
unsigned int  t 

receive a callback of a child

c,: the container to notify the callback
t,: the type of callback to notify
Returns no value.
Marks the callbacks of type t that are directed to children to be triggered on the container c, and propagated to the receiving child.

void ewl_container_cb_configure ( Ewl_Widget w,
void *  ev_data,
void *  user_data 

void ewl_container_cb_container_focus_out ( Ewl_Widget w,
void *  ev_data,
void *  user_data 

void ewl_container_cb_obscure ( Ewl_Widget w,
void *  ev_data,
void *  user_data 

void ewl_container_cb_realize ( Ewl_Widget w,
void *  ev_data,
void *  user_data 

void ewl_container_cb_reparent ( Ewl_Widget w,
void *  ev_data,
void *  user_data 

void ewl_container_cb_state_change ( Ewl_Widget w,
void *  ev_data,
void *  user_data 

void ewl_container_cb_unrealize ( Ewl_Widget w,
void *  ev_data,
void *  user_data 

void ewl_container_child_add_call ( Ewl_Container c,
Ewl_Widget w 

Triggers the child_add callback for the container c.

c,: the container receiving a new child widget
w,: the child widget added to the container
Returns no value.

void ewl_container_child_append ( Ewl_Container pc,
Ewl_Widget child 

Add a child at the end of the container.

pc,: the parent container that will hold the child
child,: the child to add to the container
Returns no value.
Attaches the child to the end of the parent containers child list.

Ewl_Widget* ewl_container_child_at_get ( Ewl_Container widget,
int  x,
int  y 

Find the child at the given coordinates.

widget,: the searched container
x,: the x coordinate to search for
y,: the y coordinate to search for
Returns the found widget on success, NULL on failure.
The given container is searched to find any child that intersects the given coordinates.

Ewl_Widget* ewl_container_child_at_recursive_get ( Ewl_Container widget,
int  x,
int  y 

Find child that intersects coordinates.

widget,: the widget to search for intersecting child
x,: the x coordinate of the intersection point
y,: the y coordinate of the intersection point
Returns the intersecting widget on success, NULL on failure.

int ewl_container_child_count_get ( Ewl_Container c  ) 

Returns the number of child widgets in the container.

c,: The container to get the child count from
Returns the number of child widgets

int ewl_container_child_count_internal_get ( Ewl_Container c  ) 

Returns the number of child widgets in the container.

c,: The container to get the child count from
Returns the number of child widgets

int ewl_container_child_count_visible_get ( Ewl_Container c  ) 

Returns the number of visible child widgets in the container.

c,: The container to get the child count from
Returns the number of visible child widgets
This function return the number of visible child widgets in this container, no matter if the container is set to redirect or not.

Other than ewl_container_count_get() and ewl_container_count_internal_get() it does not return the number of children in the redirection end container.

Ewl_Widget* ewl_container_child_get ( Ewl_Container parent,
int  index 

Retrieve the child at the given index in the container.

parent,: The container to get the child from
index,: The child index to return
Returns the widget at the given index, or NULL if not found

void ewl_container_child_hide_call ( Ewl_Container c,
Ewl_Widget w 

Triggers the child_hide callback for the container c.

c,: the container receiving a new child widget
w,: the child widget hidden in the container
Returns no value.

int ewl_container_child_index_get ( Ewl_Container parent,
Ewl_Widget w 

Retrieves the index of the given child in the container or -1 if not found.

parent,: The container to search
w,: The child to search for
Returns the index of the child in the parent or -1 if not found

int ewl_container_child_index_internal_get ( Ewl_Container parent,
Ewl_Widget w 

Retrieves the index of the given child in the container taking internal widgets into account or -1 if not found.

parent,: The container to search
w,: The child to search for
Returns the index of the child in the parent including internal widgets or -1 if not found

void ewl_container_child_insert ( Ewl_Container pc,
Ewl_Widget child,
int  index 

Add a child at an index of the container.

pc,: the parent container that will hold the child
child,: the child to add to the container
index,: the position in the child list to add the child (not including internal widgets
Returns no value.
Attaches the child to the index position of the parent containers child list.

void ewl_container_child_insert_internal ( Ewl_Container pc,
Ewl_Widget child,
int  index 

Add a child at an index of the container.

pc,: the parent container that will hold the child
child,: the child to add to the container
index,: the position in the child list to add the cihld
Returns no value.
Attaches the child to the index position of the parent containers child list.

Ewl_Widget* ewl_container_child_internal_get ( Ewl_Container parent,
int  index 

Retrieves the child at the given index in the container taking internal widgets into account.

parent,: The container to get the child from
index,: The child index to return
Returns the widget at the given index including internal widgets, or NULL if not found

void ewl_container_child_iterate_begin ( Ewl_Container c  ) 

Prepare the container to iterate over it's children.

c,: the container to begin iterating over it's children
Returns no value.
Notifies the container that it will need to start from the beginning of it's child list. Do not call this if you want to begin iteration where it was last left off, but be warned it's possible this won't be where you expect.

void ewl_container_child_iterator_set ( Ewl_Container c,
Ewl_Container_Iterator  i 

Changes the iterator function for a container.

c,: the container to change child iterator functions
i,: the iterator function for the container
Returns no value.
Do not use this unless you know are writing a custom container of your own.

Ewl_Widget* ewl_container_child_next ( Ewl_Container c  ) 

Retrieve the next elligible child in a container.

c,: the container to retrieve the next usable child
Returns the next valid child on success, NULL on failure.

void ewl_container_child_prepend ( Ewl_Container pc,
Ewl_Widget child 

Add a child at the beginning of the container.

pc,: the parent container that will hold the child
child,: the child to add to the container
Returns no value.
Attaches the child to the start of the parent containers child list.

void ewl_container_child_remove ( Ewl_Container pc,
Ewl_Widget child 

Remove the specified child from the container.

pc,: the container to search for the child to remove
child,: the child to remove from the container
Returns no value.
Removes the specified child from the container without destroying the child.

void ewl_container_child_remove_call ( Ewl_Container c,
Ewl_Widget w,
int  idx 

Triggers the child_remove callback for the container c.

c,: the container removing a child widget
w,: the child widget removed from the container
idx,: The index that the child was in when it was removed
Returns no value.

void ewl_container_child_resize ( Ewl_Widget w,
int  size,
Ewl_Orientation  o 

Notify a container of a child pref size change.

w,: the child widget that has had it's preferred size changed
size,: the amount of change in size
o,: the orientation of the size change
Returns no value.

void ewl_container_child_show_call ( Ewl_Container c,
Ewl_Widget w 

Triggers the child_show callback for the container c.

c,: the container receiving a new child widget
w,: the child widget shown in the container
Returns no value.

void ewl_container_children_show ( Ewl_Container c  ) 

A convenience function to recursively show the children of a container.

c,: The container to work with
Returns no value

void ewl_container_destroy ( Ewl_Container c  ) 

Destroy all the sub-children of the container.

c,: the container to destroy children
Returns no value.

Ewl_Container* ewl_container_end_redirect_get ( Ewl_Container c  ) 

Searches for the last redirected container of the container.

c,: the container to retrieve it's redirection end container
Returns the container children are placed in, NULL if none.

void ewl_container_hide_notify_set ( Ewl_Container container,
Ewl_Child_Hide  hide 

Set the function to be called when hideing children.

container,: the container to change the hide notifier
hide,: the new show notifier for the container
Returns no value.
Changes the hide notifier function of container to hide.

int ewl_container_init ( Ewl_Container c  ) 

Initialize a containers default fields and callbacks.

c,: the container to initialize
Returns TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE.
Initializes the default values of the container, this also sets up the widget fields of the container.

void ewl_container_largest_prefer ( Ewl_Container c,
Ewl_Orientation  o 

Set preferred size to widest child.

c,: the container to change preferred size
o,: the orientation/direction to prefer the largest widget
Returns no value.
This function can be used by any container which wishes to set it's preferred width to that of it's widest child.

Ewl_Widget* ewl_container_new ( void   ) 

Allocate a new container.

Returns a newly allocated container on success, NULL on failure.
Do not use this function unless you know what you are doing! It is only intended to easily create custom container. It doesn't manage the children.

Ewl_Container* ewl_container_redirect_get ( Ewl_Container c  ) 

Retrieves for the redirected container of the container.

c,: the container to retrieve it's redirection container
Returns the container children are placed in, NULL if none.

void ewl_container_redirect_set ( Ewl_Container c,
Ewl_Container rc 

Changes the redirected container of the container.

c,: the container to change it's redirection container
rc,: the new container to redirect children to
Returns no value.

void ewl_container_remove_notify_set ( Ewl_Container container,
Ewl_Child_Remove  remove 

Set the function to be called when removing children.

container,: the container to change the add notifier
remove,: the new remove notifier for the container
Returns no value.
Changes the remove notifier function of container to remove.

void ewl_container_reset ( Ewl_Container c  ) 

Destroy all children of the container.

c,: the container to reset
Returns no value.
Destroys all the children of the container but not the container itself or internally used widgets.

void ewl_container_resize_notify_set ( Ewl_Container container,
Ewl_Child_Resize  resize 

Set function to be called when children resize.

container,: the container to change the resize notifier
resize,: the new resizenotifier for the container
Returns no value.
Changes the resize notifier function of container to resize.

void ewl_container_show_notify_set ( Ewl_Container container,
Ewl_Child_Show  show 

Set the function to be called when showing children.

container,: the container to change the show notifier
show,: the new show notifier for the container
Returns no value.
Changes the show notifier function of container to show.

void ewl_container_sum_prefer ( Ewl_Container c,
Ewl_Orientation  o 

Set the sum orientation of the container.

c,: the container to use the child size sum in a specified direction
o,: the orientation direction of the sum to use
Returns no value

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Enlightened Widget Library Documentation Generated: Sun Sep 27 01:49:46 2009