

Enlightened Widget Library Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
Ewl_AttachContains information about widget attachments
Ewl_Attach_DndDND data associated with the widget
Ewl_Attach_ListA list of things attached to a widget
Ewl_Attach_TooltipInherits from Ewl_Widget and extends to provide information on a tooltip
Ewl_BorderInherits from Ewl_Box to allow drawing a border and label decoration around widgets
Ewl_BoxInherits from an Ewl_Container to provide layout facilities for child widgets placed inside
Ewl_Box_OrientationProvides information on the orientation of a box
Ewl_ButtonA simple Ewl_Widget to provide for a clickable button in the UI
Ewl_CalendarInherits from an Ewl_Box to provide a calendar widget
Ewl_CallbackContains information about a callback
Ewl_Callback_ChainThe callback chain contains the length, mask and information on the list
Ewl_Callback_CustomContains information about custom callbacks
Ewl_CellInherits from Ewl_Container for packing widgets inside a cell
Ewl_CheckInherits from Ewl_Widget and extends to provide a checked state
Ewl_CheckbuttonInherits from Ewl_Button and expands to provide a stateful check button
Ewl_Color_SetContains an RGBA set of colours
Ewl_ColordialogInherit from the Ewl_Dialog to create a color dialog widget
Ewl_ColorpickerInherits from Ewl_Box to produce a color picker widget
Ewl_Colorpicker_RadiobuttonInherits from Ewl_Radiobutton and extends to provide colorpicker information
Ewl_Colorpicker_SpinnerInerits from Ewl_Spinner and extneds to provide colorpicker information
Ewl_ComboInherits from the Ewl_MVC widget to provide a combo widget
Ewl_Combo_CellInherits from Ewl_Cell and is used internally for the combo box
Ewl_ConfigContains Ewl configuration data
Ewl_Config_CacheContains cached Ewl configuration data
Ewl_Configure_QueueMemory buffer for tracking widgets ready for a configure pass
Ewl_ContainerInherits from the Ewl_Widget and expands to allow for placing child widgets within the available space. Also adds notifiers for various child events
Ewl_Context_MenuInherits from Ewl_Popup and extends to provide a context menu
Ewl_CursorInherits from Ewl_Window to allow packing widgets as cursor objects
Ewl_DatepickerInherits from Ewl_Text and extends to provide a date picker
Ewl_DialogInherits from Ewl_Window and extends to provide a dialog widget
Ewl_Dnd_TypesProvides type information about an external DND drag
Ewl_EmbedInherits from Ewl_Cell that acts as a top level widget for interacting with the canvas
Ewl_EngineContains information on an Ewl engine
Ewl_Engine_InfoContains the function pointers provided by an engine
Ewl_EntryInherits from Ewl_Text and extends to allow editing of the text
Ewl_Entry_CursorInherit from Ewl_Widget and extend for the Entry cursor
Ewl_Event_Action_ResponseStores the reponse from a user action
Ewl_Event_Dnd_Data_ReceivedProvides information about dnd drop data
Ewl_Event_Dnd_Data_RequestProvides information about dnd data requests
Ewl_Event_Dnd_DropProvides information about dnd drops movement
Ewl_Event_Dnd_PositionProvides information about dnd drops movement
Ewl_Event_KeyProvides the basic information about key events
Ewl_Event_Key_DownProvides clients with necessary information about the key press event
Ewl_Event_Key_UpProvides clients with necessary information about the key release event
Ewl_Event_MouseProvides base mouse information
Ewl_Event_Mouse_DownProvides information about the mouse down event
Ewl_Event_Mouse_InProvides information about the mouse entering
Ewl_Event_Mouse_MoveProvides information about mouse movement
Ewl_Event_Mouse_OutProvides information about the mouse leaving
Ewl_Event_Mouse_UpProvides information about the mouse up event
Ewl_Event_Mouse_WheelProvides information about the mouse wheel scrolling
Ewl_Event_MVC_ClickedProvides information about the MVC clicked event
Ewl_Event_State_ChangeProvides information about the changed state
Ewl_Event_Window_ExposeDescribes the canvas region that received an expose notification
Ewl_ExpansionInherits from Ewl_Check and extends it to provide a expanded state
Ewl_FiledialogInherits from Ewl_Dialog and extends to create a filedialog
Ewl_FilelistInherits from Ewl_Box and extends to display a file list
Ewl_Filelist_DirectoryThe data structure for Ewl_Filelist_Directory
Ewl_Filelist_FileThe data structure for Ewl_Filelist_File
Ewl_Filelist_FilterThe data structure for Ewl_Filelist_Filter
Ewl_FilepickerInherits from Ewl_Box and extends to provide a filepicker
Ewl_Filepicker_DialogUsed to store information about the filepicker
Ewl_FloaterInherits from Ewl_Box for layout purposes. Provides a means to layer above other widgets and to follow the movement of another widget
Ewl_FreeboxInherits from Ewl_Container and extends to allow for differnt layout algorithms
Ewl_Freebox_MVCInherits from EWL_MVC and extends to provide a free layout widget
Ewl_GridInherit from Ewl_Container and extend to privide a grid layout widget
Ewl_Grid_ChildContains information about a grid child
Ewl_Grid_InfoContains information about a row or column of Ewl_Grid
Ewl_HistogramInherit from the Ewl_Image and extends to create a histogram widget
Ewl_IconInherits from Ewl_Stock and extends to provide for an icon layout
Ewl_IcondialogInherits from Ewl_Dialog and extends to provide a icondialog widget
Ewl_ImageInherits from Ewl_Widget and extends to provide an image widget
Ewl_Image_ThumbnailInherits from Ewl_Image and extends to provide reference to original image
Ewl_IO_Manager_PluginProvides the base structure for IO Manager plugins
Ewl_LabelInherits from Ewl_Widget class to provide a simple label
Ewl_ListInherits from Ewl_MVC and extends to provide a list widget
Ewl_List2Inherits from Ewl_MVC and extends to provide a list widget
Ewl_MediaInherits from the Ewl_Widget class and extends it to provide for multi-line media layout, obstacle wrapping, and a variety of formatting
Ewl_MenuInherits from the Ewl_Menu_Base and extends to provide a simple menu
Ewl_Menu_InfoProvides a simple structure to contain menu information
Ewl_Menu_ItemInherits from Ewl_Button and provides a basic menu item widget
Ewl_MenubarInherits from the Ewl_Box class and extends it to provide for a menubar
Ewl_Menubar_InfoProvides a simple menu structure for the menubar
Ewl_MessageInherits from Ewl_Dialog and extends to provide a message widget
Ewl_ModelHolds the callbacks needed to define a model
Ewl_MVCInherits from Ewl_Box and extends to provide mvc functionality
Ewl_NotebookInherits from Ewl_Box and extends to provide for a notebook style layout
Ewl_ObjectProvides facilities for sizing, position, alignment and fill policy
Ewl_OverlayThe class inheriting from Ewl_Container that acts as a top level widget for interacting with the evas
Ewl_PairContains a key and a value pair
Ewl_Pair_ListContains a list of key value pairs
Ewl_PanedInherits from Ewl_Container and extends to provided the paned widget
Ewl_Paned_GrabberInherits from Ewl_Separator and extends to facilitate the paned grabber
Ewl_Paned_LayoutContains information on a paned layout
Ewl_Paned_Pane_InfoStores information about a pane in the paned widget
Ewl_Paned_Size_InfoHolds some information about the children. It is only used internally
Ewl_PopupInherits from Ewl_Window and extends to provide a popup widget
Ewl_ProgressbarInherits from Ewl_Range and extends to provide a progressbar widget
Ewl_RadiobuttonInherits from Ewl_Checkbutton and extends it to provide grouping buttons to limit to a single selection in a group at a given time
Ewl_RangeInherits from Ewl_Container and extends to provide a basic range widget
Ewl_RowInherits from Ewl_Container to create a tree row that lays out cells in a left to right fashion
Ewl_ScrollbarInherits from Ewl_Box and extends to provide a scrollbar widget
Ewl_ScrollpaneInherits from Ewl_Container and extends it to enclose a single widget in vertical and horizontal scrollbars for panning around displaying different regions of the enclosed widget
Ewl_ScrollportInherits from Ewl_Container and extends it to provide a framework for panning around larger widgets. Vertical and horizontal scrollbars are provided, but they do not move the enclosed box. It the the job of the user to set the sizes used in this widget
Ewl_Scrollport_Kinetic_InfoEnables a scrollport to be scrolled with kinetic behaviour
Ewl_Scrollport_Kinetic_Info_EmbeddedStores information on an embedded scrollport
Ewl_Scrollport_Kinetic_Info_NormalStores information on a normal scrollport
Ewl_SeekerInherits from Ewl_Range and extends to provide a seeker widget
Ewl_SelectionStructure to store information on selections
Ewl_Selection_IdxStructure to store information on a single index selection
Ewl_Selection_RangeStructure to store a range of selected cells
Ewl_SeparatorInherits from Ewl_Widget to allow drawing a horizontal or vertical line between widgets, depending on the orientation the Ewl_Separator
Ewl_ShadowInherits from Ewl_Box to allow drawing a border and shadow decoration around widgets
Ewl_SpacerInherits from Ewl_Widget and provides as a spacer between widgets
Ewl_SpectrumInherits from Ewl_Container and extends to provide a colour spectrum
Ewl_SpinnerInherits from Ewl_Range and extends to provide a spinner widget
Ewl_StatusbarInherits from the Ewl_Box class and extends it to provide for a simple status bar
Ewl_StockInherits from Ewl_Box and provides the base for the other stock icons
Ewl_Stock_FuncsThe function callbacks that an inheriting widget needs to implement
Ewl_TextInherits from the Ewl_Container class and extends it to provide text layout and formatting
Ewl_Text_ContextStores context information for the different formatting nodes
Ewl_Text_FmtText formatting information
Ewl_Text_Fmt_NodeText formatting node
Ewl_Text_TriggerInherits from Ewl_Widget and extends to provide a trigger for the text widget
Ewl_Text_Trigger_AreaInherits from Ewl_Widget and extends to provide a trigger area
Ewl_TogglebuttonInherits from Ewl_Button and expands to provide a stateful toggle button
Ewl_ToolbarInherits from Ewl_Menubar and extends to provide a toolbar layout
Ewl_TreeInherits from Ewl_MVC and extends to provide a tree widget
Ewl_Tree_Expansions_ListStores informtion on tree expansion points
Ewl_Tree_NodeInherits from Ewl_Container and extends to hold information on a row of the tree
Ewl_Tree_ViewInherits from Ewl_Box and provides the base information for a tree view
Ewl_Tree_View_PlainInherits from Ewl_Tree_View and provides a plain tree layout
Ewl_Tree_View_ScrolledInherits from Ewl_Box and provides a scrolled tree layout
Ewl_ViewThe view function pointers
Ewl_WidgetInherits from Ewl_Object and extends to provide appearance, parent, and callback capabilities
Ewl_WindowInherits from Ewl_Embed class to create it's own window and canvas for drawing, sizing and positioning

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Enlightened Widget Library Documentation Generated: Sun Sep 27 01:49:48 2009